
The 2023-24 CAnD3 Annual Report is here!

Fellows Feature: Mathieu Marcotte and Omotayo Olaoye

As winter break approaches, our dedicated Fellows are concluding their first semester of training, enriched by a series of engaging sessions, including the impactful Connect2Learn session on Data Ethics. Now is a perfect moment to reflect on their growth and experiences over the past months. Join us for today’s Fellows Feature, where we spotlight Mathieu and Omotayo. Let's dive into their insights and reflections as we wrap up the year!

Mathieu Marcotte

Let’s begin with Mathieu. As we're approaching Christmas, have you got any plans for the winter holiday?

For the holidays, I'm going to be eating at a lot of Christmas dinners and suppers, either with friends, my girlfriend, close and extended family, or for work! I'm also going to a hockey game for the 2024 World Junior Hockey Championship in Ottawa!

That sounds like an exciting plan! Here’s a fun question for you: If you could instantly acquire one superpower to enhance your research capabilities, what would it be and why?

If I could acquire a superpower, it would be to stop time. This would allow me to analyze every detail of a research project in depth without the pressure of deadlines and the demands of outside life. With more time, I could explore more sources, refine my analyses, and develop innovative perspectives while balancing my academic and personal life.

Now, could you take us back to a pivotal moment that shapes your research journey, and how your first training semester at CAnD3 helps you reinforce your research purpose?

A significant turning point in my research career was obtaining a research assistant position at the University of Montreal. Supervised by Yves Carrière, this role allowed me to become familiar with the scientific literature that bridges the fields of demography and sports, and to explore relevant sports data.

The interdisciplinary nature of the research team at CanD3, coupled with the staff's open-mindedness, facilitated my ability to effortlessly apply the knowledge acquired during my training to my sports demography research. Through the Shark Tank initiative, I had the opportunity to present a research project that involved the utilization of tools such as the Lexis diagram, and I received constructive feedback on my data visualizations.

If you could design a dream project combining your research interests with CAnD3's resources, what would it look like, and what impact would you hope to achieve?

My dream project is to become a sports demography researcher and teach the subject. The CAnD3 training, which includes learning programming tools and decision-making resources, aligns with my thesis on ethnoracial diversity in North American sports. It will prepare me to make public presentations and create attractive visualizations, essential prerequisites for achieving this dream.

Share a recent publication, presentation, or project you're proud of. What was the most exciting or challenging aspect of this work?

My dissertation, “ (Analysis of NHL player migration trends from 1969 to 2020)”, is the biggest project of my research career. Presented at the Association des démographes du Québec colloquium in 2023, it aroused great interest and won first prize. This exciting project enabled me to adapt demographic tools to a population of athletes while maintaining rigor and transparency in the analysis despite a sport-centered subject.

Finally, we'd love to see you in action! Outside the world of research and data, what hobby or interest do you have that might surprise people?

My passion for travel has enabled me to discover different cultures and broaden my perspective. So far, I've traveled mainly for pleasure. Still, I also aspire to do so as part of my job as a researcher, whether presenting research in sports demography, promoting the Université de Montréal's demography department, or continuing my training as a researcher.

Omotayo Olaoye

The floor is yours, Omotayo! How are you preparing for your winter holiday?

I always look forward to the Christmas holidays as it is a special time to celebrate with family and friends! This year, although I won’t be traveling, I’m excited to make the most of the season in Montreal. I plan to visit Christmas markets, attend candlelight concerts, and go ice skating with friends. For the first time, I’ll also be getting a Christmas tree for my apartment, which feels like a meaningful way to embrace the holiday spirit. Additionally, I’m planning to host a cozy gathering with friends before they all travel, making it a memorable and festive way to celebrate the season.

Same question, if you could instantly acquire one superpower to enhance your research capabilities, what would it be and why?

If I had a superpower, it would be the ability to answer any research question. Too often, vital questions go unanswered due to design limitations. With this power, I would unlock new insights in population health and medication safety, advancing knowledge without boundaries.

Think back to a pivotal moment in your academic or professional journey. How did it shape your research interests, and how your first training semester at CAnD3 helps you reinforce your research purpose?

A pivotal moment in my journey was working as a pharmacist in Nigeria. While I valued one-on-one patient care, I recognized the broader need to understand medication safety and effectiveness at the population level. This realization led me to pursue epidemiology, specifically pharmacoepidemiology. I now working in this field, focusing on research primarily involving older patients. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed my first semester with CAnD3, exploring topics outside my field that I find both exciting and thought-provoking. A particularly pivotal moment was the December Connect2Learn session, which addressed several important issues, including the complexities of algorithms and their impact on marginalized groups. The discussion about the “black box” nature of algorithm and how little we often understand about their workings and implications was fascinating. This session resonated with my research, which relies on measures and definitions which could similarly affect validity and equity. It reinforced my commitment to critically evaluating the tools and data we use to ensure they serve all populations, including vulnerable groups, equitably.

If you could design a dream project combining your research interests with CAnD3's resources, what would it look like, and what impact would you hope to achieve?

My dream project would integrate CAnD3’s social and policy-centered approach with my quantitative research on COPD medication safety in aging populations. By examining how social factors and policy frameworks influence medication outcomes, I aim to produce statistically robust and socially relevant evidence. This approach would not only enhance medication safety but also inform policies tailored to the unique needs of older patients.

Share a recent publication, presentation, or project you're proud of. What was the most exciting or challenging aspect of this work?

I am proud of my recent publication, "," co-authored with S. Macdonald. Synthesizing data to address a critical public health need in Africa was both rewarding and challenging due to diverse intervention types and limited resources across regions. This experience reinforced my commitment to advancing impactful, evidence-based public health solutions.

Finally, we'd love to see you in action! Outside the world of research and data, what hobby or interest do you have that might surprise people?

I am passionate about cooking and traveling! I have a YouTube channel () where I share my travel adventures, though I’ve been too busy to post recently, and an Instagram page ( dedicated to my cooking. Exploring flavors and cultures through these hobbies brings me joy and helps me stay creative outside of research!

Thank you both of you for sharing with us not only your valuable research experiences, but also your inspiring side hobbies! We wish you both a merry Christmas with your family and friends! 🎄

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