BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250328T200248EDT-0917vdLU5A@ DTSTAMP:20250329T000248Z DESCRIPTION:Overview: R is mostly known for its statistical methods on numb ers. However\, it is also capable of working efficiently with text and ana lysing it. In this workshop we will take a deep dive into how to work with text in R and introduce you to functions that allow you to even do text m ining.\n At the end of this workshop\, you will be able to\n     · manipulat e strings efficiently\n     · import text from multiple sources\n     · lay the basis for working with regular expressions (regex)\n     · do some text mining with the tidytext package\n\n\n Prerequisite: basic understanding o f R\, e.g. through the CDSI workshop 'Introduction to data science with R' .\n\nInstructor: Jake Lawlor\, PhD student\, Dept. of Biology\, Faculty of Science\, 91ÉçÇø.\n\nLocation: HYBRID. Zoom link or Burnside H all\, room 1104\n\nRegistration: Register Here\n DTSTART:20250325T140000Z DTEND:20250325T160000Z SUMMARY:Working with text in R URL:/cdsi/channels/event/working-text-r-364039 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR