Late Spring/early Summer, Principal's recommendations for grants of tenure are brought before Board of Governors for approval...
/channels |
Deadline for Faculty to establish the membership and Chairs of DTCs and UTCs for candidates who hold joint appointments
/channels |
Using edible films and coatings to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables; Protein changes in frozen Alaska pollock and Surimi
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P/VP meeting
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IKK and the control of immune and inflammation responses
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Summer schedule
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P/VP meeting
/channels |
Board - Building and Property Committee meeting
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P/VP meeting
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Summer schedule
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P/VP meeting
/channels |
Cocktails, reception and dinner
/channels |
Discover 91社区
/channels |
Women's Studies program orientation
/channels |
28 Aug 2002 14:00 to 15:00 |
P/VP meeting
/channels |
Programmed cell death in bacteria and the multicellular character of the bacterial culture
/channels |
29 Aug 2002 16:00 to 17:00 |
Academic Planning Group (APG) meeting
/channels |
SOCRATES (Admissions) meeting
/channels |
Summer schedule
/channels |
First day of classes
/importantdates |
Board - Building and Property Committee meeting
/channels |
APPC meeting
/channels |
Young Alumni Pub Night
/channels |
Arts - Chairs and Directors meeting
/channels |
Subcommittee on Courses and Teaching Programs (SCTP) meeting
/channels |
HnRNP A1 and splicing control
/channels |
Mac market update!
/channels |
6 Sep 2002 00:00 to 30 Nov 2002 00:00 |
Rosh Hashanah
/importantdates |
7 Sep 2002 00:00 to 8 Sep 2002 00:00 |
Cirque du Soleil in Boston
/channels |
Arborhythm 2002 - 5th Anniversary
/channels |
Board - Nominating Committee meeting
/channels |
Structure/ function studies of the catalytic subunit of the Na, K-ATPase
/channels |
Board - Executive Committee meeting
/channels |
Arts - Curriculum Committee meeting
/channels |
FAES - Academic Program Committee meeting
/channels |
North American metropolitan inequalities and population health
/channels |
The Royal Commission on the future of health care's Forum on Pharmacare
/misc |
Sacred art and architecture of the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya
/channels |
Senate Nominating Committee meeting
/channels |
Contributions of proteomics to the molecular analysis of cancer
/channels |