BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250326T094759EDT-9330jV7GC7@ DTSTAMP:20250326T134759Z DESCRIPTION:Thursday\, 9:30 am to 10:50 amOnlineNeed to shake up your writi ng routine? Ready to try a new time management method with other motivated writers? Join us online!The session will follow a modified Pomodoro model :               10 minutes: Welcome\, introductions\, instructions\, and s etting SMART writing goals               60 minutes: FIRST WRITING BLOCK               10 minutes: DebriefSMART: specific\, measurable\, achievable\ , results-focused\, time-boundSessions: January 16\, 23 30February 6\, 13\ , 20\, 27March 6\, 13\, 20\, 27April 3\, 10\, 17The registration form will take approximately 2 minutes to complete. DTSTART:20250403T133000Z DTEND:20250403T145000Z SUMMARY:60 Minutes - Online - Thursday\, January 16 to April 17\, 2025 URL:/channels/channels/event/60-minutes-online-thursda y-january-16-april-17-2025-361044 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR