BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250328T154503EDT-8941zTPSZW@ DTSTAMP:20250328T194503Z DESCRIPTION:A panel discussion on Argentina's economy examining the results of President Milei's new government\, the economic and political sustaina bility of his reforms\, and future expectations. The conversation will ana lyze current economic performance\, evaluate the implementation challenges of these reforms\, and assess potential risks and opportunities that may shape Argentina's economic trajectory in the coming years.\n\nWith Panelis ts: Marina Dal Poggetto\, Executive Director of Eco Go Consultants\; Juan Pablo Luna\, Diamond Brown Chair in Democratic Studies\, 91社区 \; Lucila Pinto\, Journalist covering politics\, science and technology in Argentina\; Ernesto Schargrodsky\, Professor\, Universidad Torcuato Di Te lla\; and Nicolas Dujovne\, former Minister of Economy of Argentina.\n DTSTART:20250402T190000Z DTEND:20250402T213000Z LOCATION:Ballroom\, New Residence Hall\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H2X 3P8\, 362 5 avenue du Parc SUMMARY:Milei鈥檚 Argentina: Understanding the Present and Shaping the Future URL:/channels/channels/event/mileis-argentina-understa nding-present-and-shaping-future-362668 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR