
Infolettre du Programme de formation sur les troubles neurocognitifs

91ÉçÇř Ă  vos cĂ´tĂ©s - Les archives

Claire Webster avec sa mère

En mai 2020, pour aider Ă  soutenir les proches aidants pendant la crise de la COVID-19, le programme de formation sur la dĂ©mence a inaugurĂ© une sĂ©rie hebdomadaire de webĂ©missions,Ěý91ÉçÇř Ă  vos cĂ´tĂ©s. Au cours de ces entretiens sans artifice de 30 minutes avec des experts de premier plan, Claire Webster exploreĚýdes sujets liĂ©s Ă  la prise en charge d’un proche atteint de dĂ©mence.Ěý

Vous trouverez ci-dessous des descriptions et des liens YouTube vers tous les Ă©pisodes passĂ©sĚýde 91ÉçÇř Ă  vos cĂ´tĂ©s.

Toutes les webĂ©missions sont Ă©galement disponibles sous forme de balados audio. Ce format pratique permet Ă  notre public d'accĂ©der et d'Ă©couter facilement les podcasts n'importe oĂą et n'importe quand. Ils sont disponibles, entre autres, surĚý,ĚýĚý±đłŮĚý.

Date de publication No. Titre de l'Ă©pisodeĚý ±ő˛Ô±ąľ±łŮĂ©(±đ)(˛ő) Lien YouTubeĚý
5/13/20 1 A Caregiver’s Journey: Learning from Love and Loss Isabelle Poirier
5/20/20 2 Understanding Dementia Serge Gauthier, MD
5/27/20 3 Support and Safety During the COVID-19 Crisis José Morais, MD
6/3/20 4 Coping with Grief Corrie Sirrota, MSW
6/10/20 5 How the Pandemic is Changing the Way We Teach Students and Provide Care David Eidelman, MD
6/17/20 6 Responding to Challenging Behaviour Donald Doell, MD
7/8/20 7 Supporting Daily Activities in Dementia Care Isabelle GĂ©linas, PhD
7/15/20 8 Navigating Stress and Loss when Caring for a Loved One with Dementia Tamara Sussman, PhD
7/22/20 9 Nurses Advocating as End-of-Life Caregivers Louise Murray, RN
Catherine-Anne Miller, RN
7/27/20 10 An Intimate Conversation with Marguerite Blais, Minister for Seniors and Informal Caregivers Minister Marguerite Blais
7/29/20 11 Much Too Young – The Impact of Early Onset Dementia Chris Wynn
8/5/20 12 Supporting Healthy Communities through Innovative Educational Technology Gerald Fried, MD
8/12/20 13 Strategies for Coping with Challenging Behaviour Wendy Chiu, MD
8/19/20 14 The Realities of Caregiving within the LGBTQ+ Communities Shari Brotman
Julien Rougerie
Chloé Viau
8/19/20 15 Transitioning a Loved One to a Residence Matt Del Vecchio, CPCA
José Morais, MD
9/2/20 16 Improving the Quality of Life and Care of Persons Living with Dementia and their Caregivers Howard Bergman, MD
9/2/20 Special The Gift of Song - La musique en cadeau
Free virtual jazz concert
Liliane Murdoch
Zack Fischer
Theo Abellard
9/9/20 17 Encouraging Leisure Activities for Persons Living with Dementia Nicole Drinkwater
Emma Vadot
Madde Macdougall
Chrissy MacDonald
9/16/20 18 Cancer Survivor Provides Support to Others Gwen Nacos
9/23/20 19 Planning for the Future and Protecting a Loved One’s Finances Mtre. Rhonda Rudick
Mtre. Janet Michelin
9/30/20 20 The Correlation between Cardiovascular Disease, Stress and Dementia Nadia Giannetti, MD
10/7/20 21 Former Caregivers become Advocates for Alzheimer’s Research Dorothy Reitman
André Charron
10/14/20 22 Accessing Resources from the Quebec Health and Social Services Network Zelda Freitas, MSW
10/21/20 23 The Relationship between Concussions and Neurocognitive Disorders Alain Ptito, MD
10/28/20 24 Navigating the Journey of Parkinson’s Disease Ronald Postuma, MD
11/4/20 25 Healthy Aging to Stay Strong and Prevent Dementia José Morais, MD
11/11/20 26 Resilience: Finding Courage in the Face of Hardship Susan Wener
11/18/20 27 The Latest Research on Alzheimer's Disease Serge Gauthier, MD
11/25/20 28 Dementia Care Around the World Paola Barbarino
12/2/20 29 Caregiving and the Risk of Older Adult Mistreatment MĂ©lanie Couture, PhD
12/16/20 30 Living with and Supporting a Loved One with ALS Angela Genge, MD
Leigh Stephens, MSW
1/13/21 31 Understanding and Caring for a Person with Depression Gustavo Turecki, MD
1/20/21 32 Recognizing when Coping Mechanisms become Addictions David Luckow, MD
1/27/21 33 Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders Julie Scorah, PhD
2/10/21 34 Language and Communication with Persons Living with Dementia Noémie Auclair-Oullet, PhD
2/17/21 35 Celebrating a Lifetime of Heart Resilience Jacqueline Joza, MD
2/24/21 36 The World Health Organization’s Dementia Strategy Stéfanie Freel
3/10/21 37 Activities to Engage Persons with Advanced Dementia Joyce Simard, MSW
3/17/21 38 What to Expect from your Telemedicine Appointment Maiya Geddes, MD
3/24/21 39 A Journey Through the Diagnosis of Dementia Serge Gauthier, MD
3/24/21 39 F Un parcours à travers le diagnostic de la démence Serge Gauthier, MD
4/7/21 40 Frontotemporal Dementia and Managing Challenging Behaviour Simon Ducharme, MD
4/21/21 41 The Care of the Older Person – An Invaluable Resource for Care Providers Ronald Caplan, MD
Abraham Fuks, MD
Serge Gauthier, MD
José Morais, MD
5/12/21 42 A Prescription of Care following a Diagnosis of Dementia Claire Webster, CPCA
José Morais, MD
5/12/21 42 F Une prescription de soins après un diagnostic de démence Claire Webster
José Morais, MD
5/26/21 43 Living Well with Dementia Mary-Beth Wighton
Roger Marple
6/9/21 44 Nutrition and Healthy Aging Joe Schwarcz, PhD
6/23/21 45 The Importance of Sleep to Cognitive Health Thanh Dang-Vu, MD
7/7/21 46 Understanding Early Onset Dementia Pedro Rosa-Neto, MD
8/9/21 47 The Urgent Need to Improve the Lives of Canada’s Elders André Picard
9/22/21 48 91ÉçÇř team delivers World Alzheimer Report 2021: Journey through the diagnosis of dementia Chris Lynch
Serge Gauthier, MD
José Morais, MD
Petro Rosa-Neto, MD
Claire Webster, CPCA
10/6/21 49 Understanding Responsive Behaviours in People with Dementia Don Doell, MD
10/20/21 50 Launch of a New Educational Guide for People Living with Dementia and their Care Partners
Dementia, Your Companion Guide
Elise Nesbitt
Serge Gauthier, MD
José Morais, MD
Claire Webster, CPCA
Isabelle GĂ©linas, PhD
11/3/21 51 Keeping your Brain Engaged with the 91ÉçÇř Community for Lifelong Learning Ana Milic
11/17/21 52 Lessons from the End-of-life Journey of one of Canada’s Palliative Care Trailblazers Elle Flanders
12/1/21 53 New Series of Exercise Videos Promotes Healthy Aging José Morais, MD
12/15/21 54 Anticipatory Grief in Dementia Corrie Sirota, MSW
12/22/21 55 Using Technology and Tools to Support Independent Living for Older Adults Ron Beleno
1/5/22 56 How the Alzheimer's Society of Montreal Supports People Living with Dementia and Care Partners Jeane Day
Marie Christine Le Bourdais
1/19/22 57 Pharmacological Management of Dementia Serge Gauthier, MD
1/19/22 57 F Prise en charge pharmacologique de la démence Serge Gauthier, MD
1/26/22 58 Navigating Long-Term Care Options Matt Del Vecchio, CPCA
2/2/22 59 End-of-Life Care in Dementia Catherine Ferrier, MD
2/16/22 60 Understanding the Impact of Atrial Fibrillation Jacqueline Joza, MD
3/2/22 61 Understanding Lewy Body Dementia Madeleine Sharp, MD
3/16/22 62 Rethinking Long-Term Care for Older Adults Moira Welsh
3/30/22 63 F Comprendre les comportements réactifs chez les personnes atteintes de démence Catherine Talbot-Hamon, MD
4/13/22 64 Insights from the Founder of Positive Approach to Care® Teepa Snow
4/20/22 65 A Natural History of Aging and Alzheimer's with Jay Ingram Jay Ingram
4/27/22 66 Optimizing Brain Health Throughout Life and After a Diagnosis of Dementia Lesley Fellows, MD
5/11/22 67 F Un entretien avec Chloé Sainte-Marie, célèbre proche aidant Chloé Ste-Marie
5/25/22 68 Having Conversations about Advance Care Planning Tamara Sussman, PhD
6/1/22 69 A Wife's Journey of Love, Devotion and Caregiving Challenges Linda Grossman
6/8/22 70 Managing Sexual Behaviour in Dementia Lucy Barylak, MSW
6/22/22 71 Language Difficulties in Normal Aging and Dementia Paolo Vitali, MD
6/22/22 71 F Difficultés de langage dans le vieillissement normal et la démence Paolo Vitali, MD
7/6/22 72 What Role Does Genetics Play in Dementia? Pedro Rosa-Neto, MD
Laura Robb, MSc
9/7/22 73 Staging in Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease Serge Gauthier, MD
9/7/22 73 F Stades de la démence et de la maladie d’Alzheimer Serge Gauthier, MD
9/21/22 74 A Storied Path from Broadcaster to Chair of Alzheimer’s Disease International Dale Goldhawk
10/5/22 75 Lessons from a Double-Duty Caregiver Zelda Freitas, MSW
10/19/22 76 Understanding and Dealing with Family Conflict Joanne Besner, BSW, MBA, PPCC
11/2/22 77 Oral Health and Dementia Michael Wiseman, DDS
11/16/22 78 Mindfulness and Meditation to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Bassam Khoury, PhD
11/30/22 79 Life, Love, Strength: A Doctor’s Journey of Caring for his Wife Robert Francis, MCMD
12/14/22 80 Nutrition and Dementia Guylaine Ferland, PhD
01/11/23 81 Canada's National Dementia Strategy Saskia Sivananthan, PhD
01/25/23 82 Interview with the Founder of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)ĚýĚý Ziad Nasreddine, MD

02/08/23 83 Understanding Vascuular Dementia Sandra Black, MD, FRCPC
02/22/23 84 Driving and Dementia Isabelle GĂ©linas, PhD
02/22/23 84 F La conduite automobile et démence Isabelle Gélinas, PhD
03/08/23 85 Cultural implications of dementia around the worldĚý Wendy Weidner
03/22/23 86 Fall Prevention in Normal Aging and Dementia Gustavo Duque, MD, PhD
04/04/23 87 Nutrition et dĂ©menceĚý Guylaine Ferland, PhD
04/19/23 88 How Alcohol Affects Cognitive and Cardiovascular HealthĚý Christopher Labos, MD, MSc
05/05/23 89 Authentic Healing in Patients with Advanced Dementia Justin Sanders,ĚýMD, MSc, FAAHPM
05/17/23 90 Healthy Brain Aging Serge Gauthier, MD
05/17/23 90 F Vieillir avec un cerveau en santé Serge Gauthier, MD
05/31/23 91 Exercise and Cognitive Health Louis Bherer, PhD
06/14/23 92 Sex and Gender Differences in Brain Aging and Memory Maria Natasha Rajah, PhD

06/28/23 93 Divine Dementia – Diaries of an Accidental Caregiver Marie Moliner
07/12/23 94 Participating in Dementia Research Pedro Rosa-Neto, MD
9/6/2023 95 Exploring the Experience of Stress in Formal and Informal Dementia Care Partners Zahinoor Ismail, MD
9/20/2023 96 Update on New Medications to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease Serge Gauthier, MD
9/20/2023 96 F Le point sur les nouveaux médicaments pour traiter la maladie d’Alzheimer Serge Gauthier, MD
10/4/2023 97 Let’s Talk About Walking Nancy Mayo, PhD
10/18/2023 98 Planning for a Transition of Care Mr. Matt Del Vecchio
11/1/2023 99 Coping with Ambiguous Loss in Caregiving  Corrie Sirota
11/15/2023 100 91ÉçÇř Cares: Join us as we celebrate the 100th episode

José Morais, MD
Serge Gauthier, MD
Pedro Rosa-Neto, MD
Claire Webster

11/29/2023 101 Hygiene and dementia Jocelyn Downie
12/13/2023 102 Medical aid in dying (MAiD) in the context of dementia Lucy Barylak, MSW
01/24/2024 103 Strategies to improve participation in activities for people living with dementia Ěý Marie-Eve Bolduc, PhD
01/24/2024 103-F StratĂ©gies visant Ă  amĂ©liorer la participation aux activitĂ©s pour les personnes atteintes de troubles neurocognitifsĚý Marie-Eve Bolduc, Ph.D.
02/07/2024 104 Caregiver support in Quebec - L’Appui pour les proches aidants Julie Bickerstaff, MSW
03/06/2024 105 Talking to children about dementia and death
Andrea Warnick, RN, MA
Andrea Warnick, RN, MA
04/10/2024 106 Understanding the legal, psychosocial and medical assessments required to make decisions on behalf of another person Stephanie Geller, MSW,
Anna Kamateros, Notary, TEP
05/15/2024 107 The Caregiver Grief Connexion Project Pam Orzeck, MSW, PhD
Zelda Freitas, BA, BSW, MSW
06/12/2024 108 Applying the Positive Intelligence Approach to Caregiving Joanne Besner, BSW, MBA, ACC
06/26/2024 109 A heart-to-heart with the Mayor of Westmount on her caregiving journey Christina Smith
07/10/2024 110 F Que faut-il pour prendre des décisions au nom d’une autre personne? Mtre Hélène Guay


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