
Test de classement dans le domaine de la santé et du travail social


1ère étape : Test informatisé en ligne (à faire à la maison)

Complétez le test de classement en ligne:Ìý

Le mot de passe :Ìý5432

2ème étape : Entretien avec un évaluateur ou une évaluatrice

Cette entrevue se fera à distance.Ìý Veuillez vous inscrire pourÌýavec le professeur Ariel Mercado.

3ème étape: Inscription sur Minerva

Inscrivez-vous sur Minerva. Vous allez peut-être devoir attendre de 1 à 1,5 semaine avant de pouvoir vous inscrire dans Minerva.



Undergraduate students register on their own using Minerva for the French courses offered by the French language center (FLC) following a mandatory placement test by the FLC. Students enrolled in these French language courses will receive a grade based on the criteria in the course outline.

Undergraduate students in some faculties may choose the letter or S/U grade option at the time of registration. The S/U option is not available for students enrolled in the Faculties of Dentistry or Medicine, including students in the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy. Undergraduate Dentistry and Medicine students may be eligible for a Registration Status Code of RX which indicates that no credit will be granted for the course and that the course mark will not be included in the GPA. Students are advised to request such assistance by their own department’s student affairs coordinator.

Graduate students who would like to take FRSL classes should contact the French Language Center (FLC) and take their mandatory placement test. Once the placement test is completed, the student will receive permission to register. At that point, graduate students must contact their departmental student affairs coordinator for instructions on how to register. To register, they must complete a Request for Registration/Course Changes form online. The S/U grade option is not available to graduate students but they may be eligible for a Registration Status Code of RX. If graduate students would like this RX code, they should speak to their department’s student affairs coordinator.

N. B.: The RX code is granted only if the French course is an extra course (not a required elective or a degree requirement). Departmental student affairs coordinators may consult with Enrolment Services or Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies about this grade option, as appropriate.

Pour les étudiants et les étudiantes en soin infirmier:

L'école en soins infirmiers Ingram a besoin de connaître votre niveau de français pour vous attribuer un stage.Ìý Veuillez noter que vous devrez autoriser le Centre d'enseignement du français à transférer vos résultats du test de placement et vos notes à la fin du semestre (si le cas échéant).





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