BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250328T234730EDT-3194DrHVlZ@ DTSTAMP:20250329T034730Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for our Student Colloquium\, where students from across Canada will present their research work on the topic of 'Inclusive Citize nship: Advancing the Rights of People with Disabilities'. With Keynote gue st Professor Sébastien Jodoin\, professor at 91 Faculty of Law and fou nding director of the Disability-Inclusive Climate Action Research Program (DICARP).\n\nWe are pleased to invite submissions for the Disability and Human Rights Colloquium 2025\, themed “Inclusive Citizenship: Advancing th e Rights of People with Disabilities.” In short presentations\, students w ill share their work on the above topic! We welcome 250-word abstract from students. Please submit your abstracts to [at] (subje ct line: Disability Colloquium) by February 28\, 2025.\n\nZoom: https://m\n\n \n DTSTART:20250328T170000Z DTEND:20250328T200000Z LOCATION:Room 101\, John W. Durnford Classroom and by zoom SUMMARY:Inclusive Citizenship: Advancing the Rights of People with Disabili ties URL:/law/fr/channels/event/inclusive-citizenship-advan cing-rights-people-disabilities-363931 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR