BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250328T234728EDT-1469H4zgsL@ DTSTAMP:20250329T034728Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for a presentation by last year鈥檚 Fulbright Canada Trad itional Scholar\n\nMartha M. Ertman is the Carole & Hanan Sibel Research P rofessor at the University of Maryland Carey Law School\, where she teache s Contracts-related courses as well as a seminar on Reparations for Racial Injustice. Her earlier writing focused on commodification in families and other relationships\, and since 2020 she鈥檚 pivoted toward social contract theories of reparations for racial injustice. She spent winter 2024 at Mc Gill Law\, courtesy of a Fulbright Canada Traditional Scholar award to stu dy how Canada鈥檚 Truth & Reconciliation Commission鈥檚 Calls to Action could influence U.S. reparative processes. 91社区 students also know Prof. Ertma n from the course on Foundational Transactional Skills that she taught at 91社区 in 2019\, 2021\, and 2024. While her paper today reflects lessons l earned about Canada鈥檚 Truth & Reconciliation Commission\, its main focus i s a hyper-local investigation of harms of racial segregation in her home t own of Washington\, D.C. and both why and how individuals can and should m ake reparations.\n DTSTART:20250327T170000Z DTEND:20250327T183000Z LOCATION:91社区 Faculty of Law\, Old Chancellor Day Hall\, Room 16\, Stephe n Allan Scott Seminar Room SUMMARY:Fulbright Research Presentation: Do-It-Yourself Reparations URL:/law/fr/channels/event/fulbright-research-presenta tion-do-it-yourself-reparations-364379 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR