BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250331T154814EDT-3234sLxfOr@ DTSTAMP:20250331T194814Z DESCRIPTION:Virtual Event Description: \n\nJoin local artist Caroline Boile au and 91ÉçÇř-trained historian Margaret Carlyle as they interact with a f ew of the Osler Library's new acquisitions (and some older ones!) in an at tempt to demystify medical history. Through this feminist dialogue of disc overy\, you'll gain a unique perspective on traditional historical resourc es: one that demystifies the female body while dissecting a series of medi cal historical works.\n\n\n Watch on YouTube\n\n\n\nAbout the Speakers: \n \nMargaret Carlyle\, Assistant Prof. History\, UBC Okanagan. Former recipi ent of the Osler Library's Dr. Edward H. Bensley Travel Grant and the Mary Louise Nickerson Travel Grant. An historian of science\, medicine\, and t echnology with specialization in early modern France in both European and global contexts. Margaret’s current research focuses on women’s role in th e formation of scientific knowledge—as experimentalists\, artisans\, and t ranslators.\n\nCaroline Boileau\, 2018 Michèle Larose-Osler Library Artist -in-Residence. Working from a feminist perspective\, with a specific inter est in health issues - intimate\, public\, social and political - Caroline creates artworks\, often hybrid\, which are developed through a multidisc iplinary practice using installation\, drawing\, video and performance. Th e hybrid body\, the multiple representations of the body – woman’s body in particular - is a recurring theme in her research\, inspired by the histo ry of art\, the history of medicine\, science and also the news.\n\n\nAbou t ROAAr Book Club:\n\nEngage with new ideas every month with ROAAr’s Book Club. Join staff and guests to exchange ideas inspired by the treasures in the collections. Our collections are rich and varied\, which means that t he topics will vary from month to month - join us as we talk books\, artwo rks\, printing techniques\, and more.\n\nAll are welcome.\n\n\nThis event is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada\n  \n DTSTART:20211215T210000Z DTEND:20211215T220000Z LOCATION:Rare Books and Special Collections\, McLennan Library Building 4th floor\, McLennan Library Building\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 0C9\, 3459 r ue McTavish SUMMARY:ROAAr Book Club Presents | Show and Tell: The Secrets of Women / Mo ntrer et raconter : les secrets des femmes URL:/library/channels/event/roaar-book-club-presents-s how-and-tell-secrets-women-montrer-et-raconter-les-secrets-des-femmes-3322 41 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR