BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250329T091737EDT-3257hTP0KZ@ DTSTAMP:20250329T131737Z DESCRIPTION:Virtual Event Description: \n\nJoin us for an evening celebrati ng medical student humanities research supported by the Osler Library. Our featured speakers will be:\n\n\n Lilly Groszman (MD\, CM candidate\, Class of 2025) will discuss Samuel Rabinovitch and the Montreal Interns' Strike of 1934 in her talk\, 'Untold Medical History: Montreal’s Days of Shame.' \n Brendan Ross (MD\, CM candidate\, Class of 2023) will speak about 'The C hinese Apotheosis of Dr. Norman Bethune: The Making of a Medical Folk Hero .'\n Professor Faith Wallis\, Department of History and Classical Studies a nd Department of Social Studies of Medicine\, will provide commentary upon the two essays as well as an insider's and scholar's perspective on the O sler Library of the History of Medicine in her talk\, 'Osler the Student.' \n\n\nWatch on YouTube\n\n\n \n About the Speakers:\n\n \n Lilly Groszman (MD\ , CM candidate\, Class of 2025) is a finalist in the Pam and Rolando Del M aestro Family William Osler Medical Student Essay Awards. \n Brendan Ross ( MD\, CM candidate\, Class of 2023)\, was a 2021 recipient of the Molina Fo undation Osler Library Medical Student Research Award. \n Professor Faith W allis\, Department of History and Classical Studies and Department of Soci al Studies of Medicine.\n \n\n\n\n  \n DTSTART:20211102T230000Z DTEND:20211103T003000Z LOCATION:Rare Books and Special Collections\, McLennan Library Building 4th floor\, McLennan Library Building\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 0C9\, 3459 r ue McTavish SUMMARY:Research and the Osler URL:/library/channels/event/research-and-osler-334329 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR