BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250328T164135EDT-3206ultoJJ@ DTSTAMP:20250328T204135Z DESCRIPTION:Shane Neilson is a poet\, physician\, and critic from New Bruns wick. He is author of several books of poetry\, including Complete Physica l (2010)\, On Shaving Off His Face (2015)\, Dysphoria (2017)\, and New Bru nswick (2019). As a Vanier postdoctoral scholar at McMaster University\, h e researches the representations of pain in CanLit. Dysphoria\, the final entry in his affect trilogy\, was published in 2017 with the Porcupine’s Q uill. He has just launched a collection of essays\, Constructive Negativit y\, compiling commentary from different periods of his work. Recipient of the Walrus Poetry Prize and the Hamilton Literary Award for poetry\, Neils on currently holds a SSHRC Talent Award.\n\nNeilson focuses on the articul ation of pain and disordered affect through poetic form. As poet and edito r\, he comments on the emergent area of “disability poetics”\; as a physic ian\, he considers the value of poetry in medical practice.\n\nFor this re ading\, Poetry Matters is delighted to partner with 91’s Os ler Library of the History of Medicine (ROAAr\, Rare & Special Collections \, Osler\, Art and Archives). Materials from the Osler Collections will be featured at the event. Special thanks to Mary Hague-Yearl\, Osler Head Li brarian.\n DTSTART:20200213T210000Z DTEND:20200213T223000Z LOCATION:CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 0C9\, Colgate Room\, Rare & Special Colle ctions\, 3459 McTavish Street SUMMARY:Poetry Matters - Shane Neilson URL:/poetrymatters/channels/event/poetry-matters-shane -neilson-319731 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR