Signy Sheldon
Associate Professor
Contact Information:
Office: 2001 91社区 College, 756
Phone: 514.398.8696
Mailing Address:
Department of Psychology
2001 91社区 College, 7th floor
Montreal, QC
H3A 1G1

Research Areas:
Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience | Behavioural Neuroscience
Research Summary:
Prof. Sheldon鈥檚 work focuses on understanding how and why we remember events and episodes. Prof. Sheldon uses behavioural experiments, work with patient populations and neuroimaging techniques to discover (1) the role of the hippocampus and related brain structures in storing and retrieving episodic memories (2) the functions of remembering by examining how memory processes contribute to non-mnemonic abilities, like imagination and problem solving (3) how individual differences in the way we remember are reflected in the brain.
Selected References:
Sheldon, S., & Levine. B. (2013). Same as it ever was: Vividness modulates the similarities and differences between the neural networks that support retrieving remote and recent autobiographical memories. NeuroImage, 83C, 880-891.
Sheldon, S., Romero, K., & Moscovitch, M. (2013). Medial temporal lobe amnesia impairs performance on a free association task. Hippocampus, 23(5), 405-412.
Sheldon, S., & Moscovitch, M. (2012). The nature and time course of medial temporal lobe contributions to semantic retrieval: An fMRI study on verbal fluency. Hippocampus, 22(6), 1451-1466.
Sheldon, S., McAndrews, M.P., & Moscovitch, M. (2011). Episodic memory processes mediated by the medial temporal lobes contribute to open-ended problem solving. Neuropsychologia, 49(9), 2439-2447.
Sheldon, S.A.M., & Moscovitch, M. (2010). Recollective performance advantages for implicit memory tasks. Memory, 18(7), 681-697.