
December 6, 2005

Faculty of Science, Meeting of Faculty
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
3:00 PM, Leacock Building, Room 232

Agenda - Faculty of Science [.pdf]

Minutes of November 15, 2005 - S-05-21 [.pdf]

Reports of Committee

Academic Committee Report - S-05-22 [.pdf]

(See below for Academic Committee documents)

Dean's Business

Undergraduate Teaching & Research

Discussion : Committee of the Whole (15 minutes)
Chair: Associate Dean (Research) D. Burns

Report on Actions of Senate

- Prof. N. Kamran (Mathematics & Statistics)
Senate Meeting of November 16, 2005

Academic Committee Documents

New Programs


New Ad Hoc Program (For Information)

B.A. & Sc.; Ad hoc Honours Program in Human Evolution

Major Program Changes (For Approval)

Immunology Interdepartmental Honours - AC-05-44 [.pdf]

New Courses

1) Undergraduate Research Project Courses

ANAT 396 - Undergraduate Research Project
ANAT 396 - AC-05-32A [.pdf]

ATOC 396 - Undergraduate Research Project
ATOC 396 - AC-05-32B [.pdf]

BIOL 396 - Undergraduate Research Project
BIOL 396 - AC-05-32C [.pdf]

COMP 396 - Undergraduate Research Project
COMP 396 - AC-05-32D [.pdf]

EPSC 396 - Undergraduate Research Project
EPSC 396 - AC-05-32I [.pdf]

GEOG 396 - Undergraduate Research Project
GEOG 396 - AC-05-32E [.pdf]

MIMM 396 - Undergraduate Research Project
MIMM 396 - AC-05-32F [.pdf]

PHYS 396 - Undergraduate Research Project
PHYS 396 - AC-05-32G [.pdf]

REDM 396 - Undergraduate Research Project
REDM 396 - AC-05-32H [.pdf]

2) Physics

PHYS 580 - Introduction to String Theory
PHYS 580 - AC-05-33 [.pdf]

3) Mathematics & Statistics

MATH 352 - Problem Seminar
MATH 352 - AC-05-35 [.pdf]

4) Biology

BIOL 507 - Animal Communication
BIOL 507 - AC-05-46 [.pdf]

5) Redpath Museum

REDM 601 - Writing Science Articles 1
REDM 601- AC-05-47 [.pdf]

REDM 601 - Writing Science Articles 2
REDM 602 - AC-05-48 [.pdf]

6) Chemistry

CHEM 533 - Small Molecule Crystallography
CHEM 533 - AC-05-58 [.pdf]

Major Course Changes

1) Biology

BIOL 427 - Herpetology
BIOL 427 - AC-05-45 [.pdf]

2) Psychology

PSYC 314 - Computational Psychology
PSYC 314 - AC-05-49 [.pdf]

PSYC 562 - Measure. of Psych. Processes
PSYC 562 - AC-05-50 [.pdf]

3) Chemistry

CHEM 514 Biophysical Chemistry
CHEM 514 - AC-05-57 [.pdf]

Minor Course Changes (For Information Only)

Minor Course Changes - AC-05-30 [.pdf]


PHYS 610 - Quantum Field Theory 1
(change in title)
PHYS 610 - MCC-05-4 [.pdf]

PHYS 673 - Quantum Field Theory 2
(change in title & description)
PHYS 673 - MCC-05-5 [.pdf]


MATH 133 - Vectors, Matrices and Geometry
(change in restriction)
MATH 133 - MCC-05-6 [.pdf]

MATH 316 - Complex Variables
(change in restriction)
MATH 316 - MCC-05-7 [.pdf]

MATH 325 - Honours ODE's
(change in restriction)
MATH 325 - MCC-05-8 [.pdf]

MATH 487 - Honours Math Programming
(change in prerequisite)
MATH 487 - MCC-05-9 [.pdf]

MATH 566 - Advanced Complex Analysis
(change in prerequisite)
MATH 566 - MCC-05-10 [.pdf]


ANAT 381 - Basis of Embryology
(changes in description and prerequisite)
ANAT 381 - MCC-05-11 [.pdf]


PSYC 340 - Psychology of Language
(change in prerequisite)
PSYC 340 - MCC-05-12 [.pdf]


COMP 612 - Database Programming Princip.
(change in title and description)
COMP 612 - MCC-05-13 [.pdf]


COMP 410 - Mobile Computing COMP 412 - Software for E-Commerce
COMP 433 - Personal Software Engineering
COMP 573 - Microcomputers
COMP 630 - Software Dev Environment
COMP 631 - Software Process Engineering
COMP 675 - Parallel Search Problems

Course Retirements - MCC-05-14 [.pdf]

Minor Program Changes (For Information Only)

Minor Program Changes - AC-05-P3 [.pdf]

1) Physics

2) Mathematics & Statistics

3) Biochemistry

4) Psychology

5) 91社区 School of Environment

6) Computer Science

Members' Question Period

Other Business

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