Tomlinson Science Awards
Submit an Application
Deadline: Friday, March 21, 2025
About the Award
The Tomlinson Science Awards result from the visionary philanthropy of Dr. Richard Tomlinson, his dedication to fundamental research, and the training of future scientists. The Awards (valued at $50K each) fund high-risk projects which have the potential to be high-impact in their contributions to fundamental or applied science. Tomlinson Award-funded projects will normally be at their early stage. As such, the purpose of the Tomlinson Awards is to position exciting and new research projects in a manner that will increase their competitiveness for other funding sources in either basic research or collaborative/applied research programs overseen by NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC, and FQRNT, among others.
A tenure-track/tenured faculty member in the Faculty of Science.
The Award allocation is for one fiscal year (May 1 to April 30). A carry-forward of unspent funds is not permitted. 75% of the funds must be directed to HQP costs (salaries/stipends of undergraduate researchers, graduate students, PDFs, and research associates) who are directly working on the proposed project. 25% of the allocation can be directed to supporting direct costs of research (consumables, instrument user fees, fieldwork and data acquisition expenses, etc.). Hardware, software, instrumentation infrastructure, renovations/physical space improvements, and travel/conference fees are not eligible expenses on a Tomlinson Science Award.
A complete application includes:
- An updated CV (CCV or equivalent),
- A proposed budget presented using the downloadable template.
- A two-page Research Proposal (single-spaced text, 12 font, 1” inch page margins, does not include references), which should be organized with the following sections:
- Context/introduction of the selected research problem,
- Research approach to be undertaken to address the identified problem,
- Role(s) of HQP in the research project,
- Anticipated research outcomes and next research milestones.
Questions and submissions
Electronic files (CV, research proposal, and budget) are to be submitted electronically as separate attachments in one email message. Complete applications can be sent to [at] will be reviewed by a Faculty of Science Advisory Committee, and recommendations for funding will be made to the Dean. Competition results will be made by April 15, 2025. It is anticipated that up to five awards will be granted in this competition.