Program Requirements
The B.A.; Major Concentration in International Development Studies focuses on the many challenges facing developing countries, including issues related to socio-economic inequalities and well being, governance, peace and conflict, environment and sustainability, key development-related themes, and training in research methods related to international development studies.
Course Selection Guidelines for the Overall Program
1. At least 18 of the 36 credits must be at the 300 level or above.
2. At least 9 credits must be from INTD courses.
3. Students cannot take more than 12 credits in any one discipline other than the INTD discipline.
Students who are pursuing a Field Studies program can have a portion of their Field Studies courses count towards their IDS program. See Adviser in office for details.
Required Courses (12 credits)
ECON 208 Microeconomic Analysis and Applications (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : A university-level introduction to demand and supply, consumer behaviour, production theory, market structures and income distribution theory.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Summer 2025
Instructors: Xue, Licun; Dickinson, Paul; Baumann, Leonie; Sen Choudhury, Eesha (Fall) Sen Choudhury, Eesha (Winter)
ECON 313 Economic Development 1 (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : Microeconomic theories of economic development and empirical evidence on population, labour, firms, poverty. Inequality and environment.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Summer 2025
Instructors: Grimard, Franque (Fall) Ajzenman, Nicolas (Winter)
INTD 200 Introduction to International Development (3 credits)
International Development : An interdisciplinary introduction to the field of International Development Studies focusing on the theory and practice of development. It examines various approaches to international development, including past and present relationships between developed and underdeveloped societies, and pays particular attention to power and resource distribution globally and within nations.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025
Instructors: Takamura, Kazue (Fall) Takamura, Kazue (Winter)
INTD 497 Advanced Topics in
International Development (3 credits)
International Development : A course on topics of common interest to faculty members and students of the International Development Studies programs.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025
Instructors: Van Dembroucke, Celina; Kraichati, Cyntia (Fall) Takamura, Kazue; Van Dembroucke, Celina (Winter)
Restriction: Open only to students in final year of an IDS Concentration. Students are permitted to take one section ONLY.
Complementary Courses (24 credits)
6 credits from the following two Introductory Categories.
Culture, Populations and Development
3 credits from the following:
ANTH 202 Socio-Cultural Anthropology (3 credits)
Anthropology : An introduction to ways of understanding what it means to be human from the perspective of socio-cultural anthropology. Students will be introduced to diverse approaches to this question through engagement with a wide range of ethnographic cases.
Terms: Fall 2024, Summer 2025
Instructors: Kohn, Eduardo (Fall) Mitchell, Kit (Summer)
ANTH 207 Ethnography Through Film (3 credits)
Anthropology : This course will investigate and discuss cultural systems, patterns, and differences, and the ways in which they are observed, visually represented, and communicated by anthropologists using film and video. The visual representation of cultures will be critically evaluated by asking questions about perspective, authenticity, ethnographic authority and ethics.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Melian-Morse, Alejandra (Winter)
ANTH 212 Anthropology of Development (3 credits)
Anthropology : Processes of developmental change, as they affect small communities in the Third World and in unindustrialized parts of developed countries. Problems of technological change, political integration, population growth, industrialization, urban growth, social services, infrastructure and economic dependency.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Kraichati, Cyntia (Winter)
GEOG 216 Geography of the World Economy (3 credits)
Geography : The course introduces the geography of the world economic system. It describes the spatial distribution of economic activities and examines the factors which influence their changing location. Case studies from both "developed" and "developing" countries will test the different geographical theories presented in lectures.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Coomes, Oliver T; Breau, S茅bastien (Fall)
3 hours
GEOG 217 Cities in the Modern World (3 credits)
Geography : An introduction to urban geography. Uses a spatial/geographic perspective to understand cities and their social and cultural processes. Addresses two major areas. The development and social dynamics in North American and European cities. The urban transformations in Asian, African, and Latin American societies that were recently predominantly rural and agrarian.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Forest, Benjamin; Moser, Sarah (Winter)
Note: Winter
Note: 3 hours
INTD 350 Culture and Development (3 credits)
International Development : This is a general survey course intended to familiarize students with the complexities surrounding the interaction between culture and development from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Specific themes may include religion, democracy, gender, diaspora communities and the environment, using relevant case studies from the developing world.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Takamura, Kazue (Winter)
Prerequisite(s): A 200 or 300 level course related to International Development, or permission of instructor.
Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken INTD 397 with the same topic: "Culture and Development" prior to Fall 2017. Open to U2 and U3 students only.
Politics, Society and Development
3 credits from the following:
POLI 227 Introduction to Comparative Politics - Global South (3 credits)
Political Science : An introduction to politics across the Global South. A comparative examination of the legacies of colonialism, the achievement of independence, and political and socio-economic development in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Topics include modernization, dependency, state-building, political violence, revolution, the role of the military, authoritarianism, and democratization.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Douek, Daniel (Winter)
Note: The field is Comparative Politics.
POLI 243 International Politics of Economic Relations (3 credits)
Political Science : An introduction to international relations, through examples drawn from international political economy. The emphasis will be on the politics of trade and international monetary relations.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Baccini, Leonardo (Winter)
Note: The field is International Politics.
POLI 244 International Politics: State Behaviour (3 credits)
Political Science : Offers a comprehensive introduction to the behaviour of nation states. Explores how states make foreign policy decisions and what motivates their behaviour. Other covered topics include the military and economic dimensions of state behaviour, conflict, cooperation, interdependence, integration, globalization, and change in the international system.
Terms: Fall 2024, Summer 2025
Instructors: Nunez-Mietz, Fernando (Fall)
Note: The field is International Politics.
SOCI 254 Development and Underdevelopment (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Competing theories about the causes of underdevelopment in the poor countries. Topics include the impact of geography, the population explosion, culture and national character, economic and sexual inequalities, democracy and dictatorship. Western imperialism and multi-national corporations, reliance on the market, and development through local participation, cooperation, and appropriate technology.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Pike, Isabel (Winter)
12-15 credits from the following:
African Studies
AFRI 200 Introduction to African Studies (3 credits)
African Studies : The African experience and current approaches to African studies, through adopting multidisciplinary perspectives on topics that include political conflict, governance and democratization, environment and conservation, economic development, rural life and urbanism, health and illness, gender, social change, popular culture, literature, film, and the arts.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Nyariro, Milka (Fall)
AGRI 411 Global Issues on Development, Food and Agriculture (3 credits)
Agriculture : International development and world food security and challenges in developing countries. Soil and water management, climate change, demographic issues, plant and animal resources conservation, bio-products and biofuels, economic and environmental issues specially in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Globalization, sustainable development, technology transfer and human resources needs for rural development.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Vasseur, Elsa (Winter)
Two 2-hour conferences
Agricultural Economics
AGEC 430 Agriculture, Food and Resource Policy (3 credits)
Agricultural Economics : Examination of North American and international agriculture, food and resource policies, policy instruments, programs and their implications. Economic analysis applied to the principles, procedures and objectives of various policy actions affecting agriculture, and the environment.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Hickey, Gordon (Winter)
3 lectures
Prerequisites: AGEC 200 or equivalent
AGEC 442 Economics of International Agricultural Development (3 credits)
Agricultural Economics : The course deals with economic aspects of international development with emphasis on the role of food, agriculture and the resource sector in the economy of developing countries. Topics will include world food analysis, development project analysis and policies for sustainable development. Development case studies will be used.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Harou, Aurelie (Winter)
ANTH 206 Environment and Culture (3 credits)
Anthropology : Introduction to ecological anthropology, focusing on social and cultural adaptations to different environments, human impact on the environment, cultural constructions of the environment, management of common resources, and conflict over the use of resources.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ANTH 209 Anthropology of Religion (3 credits)
Anthropology : Nature and function of religion in culture. Systems of belief; the interpretation of ritual. Religion and symbolism. The relation of religion to social organization. Religious change and social movements.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Lemons, Katherine; Hosseini, Sara; Bensaid, Halima (Winter)
ANTH 214 Violence, Warfare, Culture (3 credits)
Anthropology : Cultural diversity and comparative perspectives on violence and warfare; sociological, political, materialist, psychological, and ideological explanations of conflict. Examines historical and contemporary cases of warfare in state and pre-state societies; 'ethnic', civil, nationalist secessionist and genocidal forms of conflicts; processes of conflict avoidance and resolution, peace-making and -keeping.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ANTH 222 Legal Anthropology (3 credits)
Anthropology : Exploration of dispute resolutions and means of social cohesion in various societies of the world. Themes: dichotomy between law and custom, local definitions of justice and rights, forms of conflict resolution, access to justice, gender and law, universality of human rights, legal pluralism.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Rathee, Vineet (Winter)
ANTH 227 Medical Anthropology (3 credits)
Anthropology : Beliefs and practices concerning sickness and healing are examined in a variety of Western and non-Western settings. Special attention is given to cultural constructions of the body and to theories of disease causation and healing efficacy. Topics include international health, medical pluralism, transcultural psychiatry, and demography.
Terms: Fall 2024, Summer 2025
Instructors: Meyers, Todd (Fall) Nimr, Ramzi (Summer)
ANTH 302 New Horizons in Medical Anthropology (3 credits)
Anthropology : Using recent ethnographies as textual material, this course will cover theoretical and methodological developments in medical anthropology since the early 1990's. Topics include a reconsideration of the relationship between culture and biology, medical pluralism revisited, globalization and health and disease, and social implications of new biomedical technologies.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: ANTH 227
Restriction: Anthropology program students.
ANTH 304 Chinese Culture in Ethnography and Film (3 credits)
Anthropology : Uses both ethnography and film to examine 20Ih century Chinese society and popular culture in the context of the revolution and its aftermath.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Hyde, Sandra (Winter)
ANTH 308 Political Anthropology 01 (3 credits)
Anthropology : The study of political systems and political processes. Conflict and its resolution. The emphasis of the course will be on local-level politics and non-industrial societies.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ANTH 318 Globalization and Religion (3 credits)
Anthropology : The interactions between religion and the economic, social and cultural transformations of globalization: relations between globalization and contemporary religious practice, meaning, and influence at personal and collective levels.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ANTH 322 Social Change in Modern Africa (3 credits)
Anthropology : The impact of colonialism on African societies; changing families, religion, arts; political and economic transformation; migration, urbanization, new social categories; social stratification; the social setting of independence and neo-colonialism; continuity, stagnation, and progressive change.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ANTH 326 Anthropology of Latin America (3 credits)
Anthropology : Central themes in the anthropology of Latin America, including colonialism, religiosity, sexuality and gender, indigeneity, social movements, and transnationalism.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: ANTH 202 or 204 or 205 or 206 or 212 or permission of instructor
ANTH 327 Anthropology of South Asia (3 credits)
Anthropology : An introduction to anthropological research in India and greater South Asia. Topics include politics, caste, class, religion, gender and sexuality, development and globalization.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Rathee, Vineet (Fall)
ANTH 338 Indigenous Studies of Anthropology (3 credits)
Anthropology : Introduction to Native American and Indigenous studies (NAIS) as a means of critically engaging with the discipline of anthropology.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Sabiston, Leslie James (Winter)
ANTH 339 Ecological Anthropology (3 credits)
Anthropology : Intensive study of theories and cases in ecological anthropology. Theories are examined and tested through comparative case-study analysis. Cultural constructions of "nature" and "environment" are compared and analyzed. Systems of resource management and conflicts over the use of resources are studied in depth.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Scott, Colin H (Winter)
ANTH 343 Anthropology and the Animal (3 credits)
Anthropology : This course explores through the ethnographic study of human-animal relations how the question of "the animal" helps us examine our central assumptions about what it means to be human.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Wald, Jonathan (Winter)
Prerequisite: One ANTH 200 level course or consent of instructor
ANTH 355 Theories of Culture and Society (3 credits)
Anthropology : Contributions to contemporary anthropological theory; theoretical paradigms and debates; forms of anthropological explanation; the role of theory in the practice of anthropology; concepts of society, culture and structure; cultural evolution and relativity; interpretive anthropology, post-modernism.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Stevenson, Lisa (Winter)
Prerequisites: one 200-level anthropology course and one other anthropology course at any level
Restriction: Honours, Joint Honours, Major and Minor students in Anthropology, U2 standing or above
ANTH 418 Environment and Development (3 credits)
Anthropology : Advanced study of the environmental crisis in developing and advanced industrial nations, with emphasis on the social and cultural dimensions of natural resource management and environmental change. Each year, the seminar will focus on a particular set of issues, delineated by type of resource, geographic region, or analytical problem.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ANTH 422 Contemporary Latin American Culture and Society (3 credits)
Anthropology : Themes central to the culture and society of contemporary Latin America and the Caribbean, including globalization, questions of race and ethnicity, (post)modernity, social movements, constructions of gender and sexuality, and national and diasporic identities.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ANTH 436 North American Native Peoples (3 credits)
Anthropology : A detailed examination of selected contemporary problems.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ANTH 438 Topics in Medical Anthropology (3 credits)
Anthropology : Conceptions of health and illness and the form and meaning that illness take are reflections of a particular social and cultural context. Examination of the metaphoric use of the body, comparative approaches to healing, and the relationship of healing systems to the political and economic order and to development.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite(s): ANTH 227 and Honours/Major/Minor status in Anthropology or Minor Concentration in Social Studies of Medicine or permission of instructor.
ANTH 500 Chinese Diversity and Diaspora (3 credits)
Anthropology : Explores ethnic diversity within mainland China, as well as the diversity of Chinese cultures of diaspora, living outside the mainland, often as minorities subject to other dominant cultures.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Restrictions: Reserved for U3 Anthropology undergraduate students or graduate students, any other students by permission of instructor.
Enrolment Limit: 25 students.
ANTH 512 Political Ecology (3 credits)
Anthropology : Historical, theoretical and methodological development of political ecology as a field of inquiry on the interactions between society and environment, in the context of conflicts over natural resources.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Business Administration
BUSA 433 Topics in International Business 1 (3 credits) *
Business Admin : Current topics in the area of international business. Topics will be selected from important current issues in international business.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Corequisite: MGCR 382
* When topic is relevant to IDS.
Canadian Studies
CANS 315 Indigenous Art and Culture (3 credits)
Canadian Studies : An examination of the work of selected First Nations, M脙漏tis and Inuit artists in Canada.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Bell, Gloria (Winter)
Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken or are taking ARTH 315 or have taken "Aboriginal Art and Culture" as a CANS or ARTH topics course.
East Asian Studies
EAST 211 Introduction: East Asian Culture: China (3 credits)
Asian Language & Literature : This course provides a critical introduction to central themes in Chinese culture. The course will also examine the changing representations of the Chinese cultural tradition in the West. Readings will include original sources in translation from the fields of literature, philosophy, religion, and cultural history.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Gvili, Gal (Fall)
EAST 213 Introduction: East Asian Culture: Korea (3 credits)
Asian Language & Literature : This course provides a critical introduction to central themes in Korean culture, including Korean literature, religions, philosophy, and socio-economic formations.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Chung, Kimberly (Fall)
EAST 388 Asian Migrations and Diasporas (3 credits)
Asian Language & Literature : Introduction to the interdisciplinary study of Asian migrations and diasporas. Topics include colonialism and diaspora, transnationalism, globalization, citizenship, migration and the state, gender and migration, human trafficking, and forced migration.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Hwang, Maria (Fall)
ECON 205 An Introduction to Political Economy (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : A critical study of the insights to be gained through economic analysis of a number of problems of broad interest. The focus will be on the application of economics to issues of public policy.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken ECON 205D.
Restriction: This course does not count for credit towards the Minor Concentration, Major Concentration, or Honours degree in Economics.
ECON 209 Macroeconomic Analysis and Applications (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : A university-level introduction to national income determination, money and banking, inflation, unemployment and economic policy.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Summer 2025
Instructors: Dickinson, Paul (Fall) El-Attar Vilalta, Mayssun (Winter)
ECON 223 Political Economy of Trade Policy (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : The course introduces students to the economics of international trade, what constitutes good trade policy, and how trade policy is decided. The course examines Canadian trade policy since 1945, including the GATT, Auto Pact, the FTA and NAFTA, and concludes with special topics in trade policy.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Zhang, Ling Ling (Fall)
Prerequisite: ECON 208
ECON 314 Economic Development 2 (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : Macroeconomic development issues, including theories of growth, public finance, debt, currency crises, corruption, structural adjustment, democracy and global economic organization.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025
Instructors: Chemin, Matthieu (Fall) Grimard, Franque (Winter)
Prerequisite: ECON 313
ECON 326 Ecological Economics (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : Macroeconomic and structural aspects of the ecological crisis. A course in which subjects discussed include the conflict between economic growth and the laws of thermodynamics; the search for alternative economic indicators; the fossil fuels crisis; and "green'' fiscal policy.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Babcock, Michael (Winter)
ECON 336 The Chinese Economy (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : Examination of the growth and transformation of the Chinese economy and the domestic and international implications.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisites: ECON 208 and ECON 209 (or ECON 230D1/D2 or 250D1/D2).
ECON 347 Economics of Climate Change (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : The course focuses on the economic implications of, and problems posed by, predictions of global warming due to anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. Attention is given to economic policies such as carbon taxes and tradeable emission permits and to the problems of displacing fossil fuels with new energy technologies.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Cairns, Robert (Winter)
ECON 411 Economic Development: A World Area (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : An advanced course in the economic development of a pre-designated underdeveloped country or a group of countries.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ECON 416 Topics in Economic Development 2 (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : This course gives students a broad overview of the economics of developing countries. The course covers micro and macro topics, with particular emphasis on the economic analysis at the micro level.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Amodio, Francesco; Grimard, Franque (Winter)
Prerequisite(s): ECON 230 or ECON 250 and ECON 227D1/D2 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.
ECON 473 Income Distribution (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : Economics of income and wealth distribution, and the study of inequality. The dynamics of income, saving and wealth and their determinants. Macroeconomic implications. Effects of fiscal and redistributive programmes. The role of unemployment.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Poschke, Markus (Winter)
ENGL 290 Postcolonial and World Literatures in English (3 credits)
English (Arts) : A critical introduction to the field of postcolonial and world literature studies, drawing on a selection texts from South and East Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Banerjee, Sandeep; Bari, Tazreen; Saadi, Yusuf (Fall)
ENGL 421 African Literature (3 credits)
English (Arts) : A study of African literature.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
For the most detailed and up-to-date descriptions of course and seminar offerings please see the Department of English website at .
ENGL 440 First Nations and Inuit Literature and Media (3 credits)
English (Arts) : An introduction to Inuit and First Nations literature and media in Canada, including oral literature and the development of aboriginal television and film.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
GEOG 221 Environment and Health (3 credits)
Geography : This course introduced physical and social environments as factors in human health, with emphasis on the physical properties of the atmospheric environment as they interact with diverse human populations in urban settings.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
3 hours
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken or are taking NRSC 221.
In Fall 2019, GEOG 221 will be taught at Macdonald campus. This course is also offered as NRSC 221. Students enrolled in downtown campus programs register in GEOG 221; students enrolled in Macdonald campus programs register in NRSC 221.
GEOG 302 Environmental Management 1 (3 credits)
Geography : An ecological analysis of the physical and biotic components of natural resource systems. Emphasis on scientific, technological and institutional aspects of environmental management. Study of the use of biological resources and of the impact of individual processes.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Harris, Sarah (Fall)
3 hours
Prerequisite: Any 200-level course in Geography or MSE or BIOL 308 or permission of instructor.
GEOG 303 Health Geography (3 credits)
Geography : Discussion of the research questions and methods of health geography. Particular emphasis on health inequalities at multiple geographic scales and the theoretical links between characteristics of places and the health of people.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Riva, Mylene (Winter)
GEOG 310 Development and Livelihoods (3 credits)
Geography : Geographical dimensions of rural/urban livelihoods in the face of socioeconomic and environmental change in developing regions. Emphasis on household natural resource use, survival strategies and vulnerability, decision-making, formal and informal institutions, migration, and development experience in contrasting global environments.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
GEOG 311 Economic Geography (3 credits)
Geography : Different theories and approaches to understanding the spatial organization of economic activities. Regional case studies drawn from North America, Europe and Asia used to reinforce concepts. Emphasis also on city-regions and their interaction with the global economy.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Breau, S茅bastien (Winter)
3 hours
Prerequisite: GEOG 216 or permission of instructor
GEOG 325 New Master-Planned Cities (3 credits)
Geography : This course examines the origins, designs, motivations and cultural politics of planned cities, focusing primarily on those currently under construction in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. A variety of themes will be explored including design responses to urban pollution and over-crowding, 'new' cities from earlier decades, totalitarianism and the city, utopianism, 'green' cities, and 'creative' cities. The course examines the various motivations underlying the design and construction of planned cities and how they are shaped by power, religion, and political ideologies. There will be a focus on evolving concepts used in city design as well as the continuities and cultural revivalism expressed through urban design and architecture. Students interested in urban and cultural geography, cities, architecture and planning in different cultural contexts will enjoy this course.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Moser, Sarah (Winter)
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 217, or permission of the instructor.
Restrictions: Open to U2 and above students.
GEOG 360 Analyzing Sustainability (3 credits)
Geography : Examines challenges to sustainability through a series of case studies to illustrate the analytical approaches used to understand the linkages between scientific-technological, socio-economic, political-institutional, ethical, and human behavioural aspect of systems. Includes cases that are thematic and place-based, national and international, spanning from the local to global scales.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Robinson, Brian (Winter)
GEOG 403 Global Health and Environmental Change (3 credits)
Geography : Major themes and contemporary case studies in global health and environmental change. Focus on understanding global trends in emerging infectious disease from social, biophysical, and geographical perspectives, and critically assessing the health implications of environmental change in different international contexts.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
GEOG 406 Human Dimensions of Climate Change (3 credits)
Geography : This course will examine the human dimensions of climate change focusing on the vulnerability of human systems, climate change adaptation and mitigation, key policy debates, and current and future challenges. Case studies will be utilized to provide context and help investigate and understand key concepts, trends, and challenges.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
GEOG 408 Geography of Development (3 credits)
Geography : Examines the geographical dimensions of development policy, specifically the relationships between the process of development and human-induced environmental change. Focuses on environmental sustainability, struggles over resource control, population and poverty, and levels of governance (the role of the state, non-governmental organizations, and local communities).
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Unruh, Jon (Fall)
GEOG 410 Geography of Underdevelopment: Current Problems (3 credits)
Geography : An examination of the cultural, political, and economic mechanisms and manifestations of contemporary underdevelopment and the response to it from different regional and national peripheral societies within the dominant world economic system.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
3 hours
Prerequisite: GEOG 216 or permission of instructor
GEOG 425 Southeast Asia Urban Field Studies (3 credits)
Geography : This course allows students to experience some of the urban changes taking place in Southeast Asian cities, a dynamic region, while providing the opportunity to connect recent scholarship with field observations. We will explore various current themes in urban studies and urban geography including globalization, the transnational circulation of urban policies, interpretations of culture and heritage / new built heritage, gentrification, migrant labour, public housing, creative clusters, and new cities as national economic strategies.
Terms: Summer 2025
Instructors: Moser, Sarah (Summer)
Restriction(s): Preference will be given to Urban Studies Majors and Minors
A fee of $1750.51 covers the cost of a 2 week urban field studies course in Singapore and Malaysia, including accommodation, ground transportation and entrance fees. Students are responsible for arranging their own airfares to Singapore.
**Web withdrawal is not applicable.
**The Instructor鈥檚 approval is required.
GEOG 510 Humid Tropical Environments (3 credits)
Geography : Focus on the environmental and human spatial relationships in tropical rain forest and savanna landscapes. Human adaptation to variations within these landscapes through time and space. Biophysical constraints upon "development" in the modern era.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
3 hours
Prerequisite: GEOG 203 or equivalent and written permission of the instructor
HIST 197 FYS: Race in Latin America (3 credits)
History : This seminar explores what it meant to be native, black, or white in Latin America from the colonial period to the present. It explores how conceptualisations of race and ethnicity shaped colonialism, social organisation, opportunities for mobility, visions of nationhood, and social movements.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Restriction: Open only to newly admitted students in U0 or U1, who may take only one FYS. Students who register for more than one will be obliged to withdraw from all but one of them.
Maximum 25 students
HIST 200 Introduction to African History (3 credits)
History : This course stresses the interactions of the peoples of Africa with each other and with the worlds of Europe and Islam from the Iron Age to the European Conquest in 1880.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
HIST 201 Modern African History (3 credits)
History : While covering the general political history of Africa in the twentieth century, this course also explores such themes as health and disease, gender, and urbanization.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Monaville, Pedro (Winter)
HIST 206 Indian Ocean World History (3 credits)
History : An introduction to the 鈥済lobal鈥 system connecting eastern Africa, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, and the Far East, from the earliest times to c. 1900.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Campbell, Gwyn (Fall)
HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History (3 credits)
History : An introduction to the history of East Asian civilization from earliest times to 1600, with emphasis on China and Japan, including social, intellectual, and economic developments as well as political history.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Porter, David (Fall)
HIST 209 Introduction to South Asian History (3 credits)
History : Charts the making of South Asian civilization, 2500 BCE- 1707 CE, through a selection of key themes and major trends. Focus on the transformation of local kinship ties into regional kingdoms and empires, the evolution of religion and the legacy of the expansion of Islam and consequent rise of Turkish, Afghan and Mughal empires in this area.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Basu, Subho; Farran, Andrea (Fall)
HIST 213 World History, 600-2000 (3 credits)
History : A thematic and comparative approach to world history, beginning with the rise of Islam and ending with globalization in the late twentieth century. Trade diasporas, technology, disease, and imperialism are the major themes addressed.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
HIST 218 Modern East Asian History (3 credits)
History : An introduction to the history of China and Japan from the seventeenth century to the present, including modernization, nationalism, and the interaction of the two countries.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Luthi, Lorenz (Winter)
HIST 223 Indigenous Peoples and Empires (3 credits)
History : History of Indigenous Peoples of North and South America and their early experiences of European conquest and colonization, c. 1400 - 1800.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Nawrocki, Iwa (Winter)
HIST 240 Modern History of Islamic Movements (3 credits)
History : Islamic revival in the Middle East which led to the rise of different versions of Islamic traditions and beliefs. Emphasis on the nature and character of leading nationalist and Islamic movements and their ideologues since the late 19th century.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Abisaab, Malek (Fall)
HIST 309 History of Latin America to 1825 (3 credits)
History : The social, cultural, and economic aspects of Latin America and the Caribbean in the colonial period and the transition to independence.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
HIST 317 Themes in Indian Ocean World History (3 credits)
History : Examination of a selected theme or topic in the history of the Indian Ocean World.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
HIST 326 History of the Soviet Union (3 credits)
History : The history of the Soviet Union from 1917-1991, examining its origins in the collapse of autocracy, early Soviet utopianism, the rise of Stalin, the Second World War, Khrushchev鈥檚 reforms, the Cold War and the decline and eventual collapse of the USSR, as well as its legacies in the post-Soviet period.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Morard III, Donald James (Fall)
HIST 328 Themes in Modern Chinese History (3 credits)
History : Exploration of a theme in Modern Chinese history.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: HIST218 is recommended.
Topic may vary from year to year.
HIST 333 Indigenous Peoples and French (3 credits)
History : Encounters between Indigenous Peoples and French newcomers in Canada and other parts of North America, 16th - 18th century. Through an examination of exploration, Catholic missions, trade, military alliances and colonization, the course focuses on the motives, outlooks and actions of both Indigenous Peoples and Europeans.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
HIST 338 Twentieth-Century China (3 credits)
History : Examines 20th Century China from the fall of the Qing, through Republican China, the emergence of communism, war with Japan, revolution and civil war, the Cultural Revolution, and later economic reforms.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: HIST 218 recommended.
HIST 340 History of Modern Egypt (3 credits)
History : Explores the history of Egypt from the 18th Century to today. Topics include: Ottoman Egypt, the impact of French and British Colonialism, Nasserism, Camp David and economic liberalization, and the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
HIST 341 Themes in South Asian History (3 credits)
History : Exploration of a theme in the history of South Asia.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025
Instructors: Halder, Madhulagna (Fall) Basu, Subho (Winter)
Prerequisite: HIST 209 recommended.
Themes may vary from year to year.
HIST 360 Latin America since 1825 (3 credits)
History : Themes in the political, economic, and social development of Latin America since the wars of independence.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
- HIST 361 Topics in Canadian Regional History (3 credits)
HIST 363 Canada 1870-1914 (3 credits)
History : This course will examine social, economic, political and cultural aspects of Canadian society between 1870 and 1914. Topics covered will include aboriginal peoples, European settlement of the West, provincial rights, the national policy, social reform movements, industrialization, immigration and the rise of cities.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Nerbas, Don (Winter)
- HIST 366 Themes in Latin American History (3 credits)
HIST 382 History of South Africa (3 credits)
History : History of South Africa from precolonial times to the present. Topics include: precolonial societies; British and Dutch colonialism; slavery in colonial South Africa; the Zulu kingdom; mining capitalism; the Boer War; Afrikaner nationalism; apartheid; the anti-apartheid struggle; music, religion, and art; challenges of the post-apartheid state.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
HIST 389 Topics: African Country Survey (3 credits)
History : In depth survey of a single African country (other than South Africa), including the pre-colonial history of the region, colonialism, and post-colonial economic, cultural and political history.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Monaville, Pedro (Fall)
HIST 408 Selected Topics in Indigenous History
(3 credits)
History : Selected topics in Indigenous history.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: HIST 223
Topics will vary from year to year.
HIST 409 Topics in Latin American History (3 credits)
History : In-depth discussion and research on a circumscribed topic in the history of Latin America and the Caribbean, 1492 to the present.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
HIST 419 Central America (3 credits)
History : The study of historical roots of the regional crisis of the 1980s, with particular attention to Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
HIST 528 Indian Ocean World Slave Trade (3 credits)
History : The origins, structure and impact of the Indian Ocean World slave trade from early times to the present day. Enslavement, the trading structure, slave functions, reactions to slavery, emancipation and 'slave' diaspora. Comparisons will be made to the Atlantic slave system.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Campbell, Gwyn (Fall)
International Development Studies
INTD 250 History of Development (3 credits)
International Development : A history of development, focusing on the ideologies as well as the practices that have shaped how empires, governments, corporations, and individuals have sought to 'improve' the world鈥攎ost often, but not exclusively, in the global south. Themes will include colonialism, gender, race, economic growth, poverty, geopolitics, multilateralism, foreign aid, south-south relations, philanthropy, and the environment.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Blanc, Jacob (Fall)
Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken INTD 397, when topic was "History of Development" in Winter 2024.
INTD 350 Culture and Development (3 credits)
International Development : This is a general survey course intended to familiarize students with the complexities surrounding the interaction between culture and development from a variety of theoretical perspectives. Specific themes may include religion, democracy, gender, diaspora communities and the environment, using relevant case studies from the developing world.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Takamura, Kazue (Winter)
Prerequisite(s): A 200 or 300 level course related to International Development, or permission of instructor.
Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken INTD 397 with the same topic: "Culture and Development" prior to Fall 2017. Open to U2 and U3 students only.
INTD 352 Disasters and
(3 credits)
International Development : Examines how disasters shape and are shaped by socio-economic conditions, inequalities and development processes through interdisciplinary investigation and a wide range of case studies. Analyzes disaster risk reduction, response and recovery efforts from the global to local levels, as well as survivors鈥 perspectives and experiences.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: A 200 or 300 level course related to International Development, or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken INTD 397 when topic was "Disasters and Development" [fall 2018]. Opento U2 and U3 students only.
INTD 354 Civil Society and
(3 credits)
International Development : Introduction to the study of civil society and development. Critically engages with both conventional socio-political views and emerging perspectives of civil society. Employs political, sociological, and anthropological perspectives to understand the multifaceted, and socio-cultural implications of civil society in both developing and developed countries. Examines civil society鈥檚 impact, capacity, and behavior through a wide range of development themes.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Takamura, Kazue (Fall)
Prerequisite: A 200 or 300 level course related to International Development, or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken INTD 397 when topic was "Civil Society and Development" [Winter 2017, Winter 2018]. Open to U2 and U3 students only.
INTD 360 Environmental Challenges in
Development (3 credits)
International Development : Examination of some of the great environmental challenges of our times, and some of the ways in which the development community has tackled them.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: le Polain de Waroux, Yann (Winter)
INTD 397 Topics in International Development (3 credits)
International Development : Examines topics in specific problem areas in International Development Studies. Content varies every term.
Terms: Fall 2024, Summer 2025
Instructors: Nawrocki, Iwa (Fall) Ghazanjani, Mehri (Summer)
Prerequisite: A 200 or 300 level course related to International Development, or permission of instructor.
Restriction: Open to U2 and U3 students only.
INTD 398 Topics in Conflict and Development (3 credits)
International Development : Examines topics in specific problem areas in international development studies and in areas of conflict and development.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Ghazanjani, Mehri (Winter)
Prerequisite: A 200 or 300 level course related to international development, or permission of the instructor.
Restrictions: Open to U1, U2, and U3 students.
Students can take multiple topics courses under INTD as long as the topics are different.
Content varies every term.
INTD 490 Development Research Project (3 credits)
International Development : Supervised reading, research project in international development. Requirements consist of a project proposal and final research report.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Takamura, Kazue; Brocic, Milos; Studnicki-Gizbert, Daviken (Fall)
Prerequisite: ECON 313
Restriction: Open to U2 and U3 students with a minimum CGPA of 3.30 and permission of the department Adviser. Only tenure track professors or 91社区 faculty lecturers may supervise.
INTD 499 Internship: International Development Studies (3 credits)
International Development : Internship with an approved host institution or organization.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025
Instructors: Takamura, Kazue; Blanc, Jacob (Fall)
Restriction(s): Open to U2 and U3 students with a minimum CGPA of 3.3 and permission of the department Internship Adviser. This course will not normally fulfill program requirements for seminar or 400-level courses. A letter from a supervisor at the institution must attest to the successful completion of the student's tenure. Only tenure track professors or McGIll faculty lectures may supervise.
Islamic Studies
ISLA 200 Islamic Civilization (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : An introduction to, and survey of, the religious, literary, artistic, legal, philosophical and scientific traditions that constituted Islamic civilization from the 7th Century until the mid-19th Century.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Abdel-Latif, Sara (Fall)
Note: All readings are in English.
ISLA 210 Muslim Societies (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : An introduction to the different, often disparate, ways in which Muslims live and think in the modern world (19th-21st centuries). Muslim social contexts across the globe and cyberspace.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Manoukian, Setrag (Winter)
ISLA 305 Topics in Islamic History (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : Subject matter will vary year to year, according to the instructor. Topic will be made available in Minerva.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ISLA 310 Women in Islam (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : The socio-legal status, conditions, and experiences of various groups of women in Middle Eastern societies. These features are explored within the framework of Islamic feminism and Western feminist discourses, and the tensions and conflicts between them. The dynamics of seclusion, veiling, and polygamy are explored in connection to Medieval Arab ruling elites as a background to some of the discussions and debates over the status of women in modern postcolonial Arab society. Socio-economic divisions, state policies, patriarchy, and colonialism are investigated as key factors in understanding the modern historical transformation of gendered relations and women's roles.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ISLA 325 Introduction to Shi'i Islam (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : Developments in doctrines, legal school, rituals and political thought of Twelver Shi'ite Muslims during early and late medieval periods (centuries VII-XIII). The emergence of the earliest Shi'ite communities in Arabia, Yemen, Iraq and Iran stressing the relationship of the Shi'ite Imams and their religious scholars to the Sunnite Caliphates.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ISLA 330 Islamic Mysticism: Sufism (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : The varieties of "mystical" thought in Islam, primarily as seen in Sufism, its historical development and its place in Islamic culture. Analytical study of major authors, their writings and their central problems.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite(s): ISLA 200 or permission of instructor.
ISLA 350 From Tribe to Dynasty (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : The political and intellectual developments shaping Arab and Persian societies from the rise of Islam in the 7th century until the early mid 8th century, including the major social changes, political revolts, religious schisms, and the consolidation of lasting cultural institutions.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ISLA 355 Modern History of the Middle East (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : Assessment of the historical transformation of the modern Middle East concentrating on its internal socio-economic changes, as well as the colonial experience and encounters with the West since the early 19th century. Examination of the historical conditions that led to the rise of nationalism, the nation-state, the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Abisaab, Malek (Winter)
Prerequisite: ISLA 210 or permission of instructor.
ISLA 360 Islam and Politics in Africa (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : Assessment of the relationship between Islam and politics in the contemporary Africa through various analytic themes, including political economy, social movement and gendered analysis.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Nyariro, Milka (Winter)
ISLA 365 Middle East Since the 1970's (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : Changes that have occurred in the Middle East since the 1970's, viewed through the lens of themes such as migration, consumerism, war, communications, and ideology.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: ISLA 210 or permission of instructor.
ISLA 370 The Qur鈥檃n: History and Interpretation (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : It examines the history of the codification of the text, its form, and modes of interpretation in both the modern and pre-modern periods. Presentation of different schools of Qur鈥檃nic exegesis, including traditional hermeneutical approaches, and modern approaches such as feminist interpretations of the Qur鈥櫮乶.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Abdel-Latif, Sara; Khan, Pasha (Winter)
Prerequisite(s): ISLA 200 or permission of instructor
ISLA 383 Central Questions in Islamic Law (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : An integrative view of Islamic law in the past and present, including landmarks in Islamic legal history (e.g., sources of law; early formation; intellectual make-up; the workings of court; legal change; legal effects of colonialism; modernity and legal reform) and a structured definition of what it was/is.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: ISLA 200 or permission of instructor.
ISLA 385 Poetics and Politics in Arabic Literature (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : Major issues in classical and modern Arabic literature; how poetics and politics interact in classical and modern, popular folktales and high literature, novels and poetry. The politics of translation from Arabic into English.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: ISLA 210 or permission of instructor.
Note: Reading and discussion in English.
ISLA 388 Persian Literature (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : Examination of literature produced in the Persian-speaking world from the mid 10th to the late 20th century C.E. A broad selection of texts (prose and poetry) will be studied in translation.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Keshavmurthy, Prashant (Fall)
Prerequisite: ISLA 200 or permission of instructor.
Note: Readings in English.
ISLA 392 Arabic Literature as World Literature (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : Consideration of Arabic literature as part of world literature, including exploration of tensions between reading Arabic literature as local, discrete and self-contained and as part of larger global phenomena.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: ISLA 210 or permission of instructor.
ISLA 411 History: Middle-East 1918-1945 (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : The impact of WWI on Middle Eastern society and politics; the British and French mandates; the growth of nationalisms, revolutions and the formation of national states; WW II and the clash of political interests within the region.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
3 hours
ISLA 415 Modern Iran: Anthropological Approach (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : The modern history, social, and cultural anthropology of contemporary Iran.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: ISLA 210 or permission of instructor.
ISLA 421 Islamic Culture - Indian Subcontinent (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : Survey of Islamic culture (faith systems, literature, music, art) on the Indian subcontinent from the early modern period to the present, with a focus on conflict and relations between Muslims and non-Muslims, and between majority and minority Muslim groups.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
ISLA 430 Islamdom: Baghdad to Cordoba (3 credits)
Islamic Studies : The course examines the major socio-political developments in Iraq, Persia, Syria, Egypt, North Africa and Spain from the 9th to the 13th Century. Emphasis is laid on the Umayyad Caliphate centered in Cordoba, and the 'Abbasid Caliphate centered in Baghdad, and the rise of important local dynasties leading up to the Mongol invasion. The course underscores the formation of Islamic cultures in distinct geographical settings and the transformation of religious life under new socio-economic conditions. It also explores shifting notions of civil society and orthodoxy.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Abisaab, Rula (Winter)
Latin American & Caribbean Studies
LACS 497 Research Seminar: Latin America and the Caribbean (3 credits) *
Latin American & Caribbean St : An interdisciplinary research seminar on topics of common interest to staff and students of the Latin-American and Caribbean Studies Program.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Raynor, Cecily (Winter)
Restriction: Open to Program students and to others with permission of the Program Adviser.
Ordinarily offered in alternate years
* When topic is relevant to IDS.
Management Core
MGCR 382 International Business (3 credits)
Management Core : An introduction to the world of international business. Economic foundations of international trade and investment. The international trade, finance, and regulatory frameworks. Relations between international companies and nation-states, including costs and benefits of foreign investment and alternative controls and responses. Effects of local environmental characteristics on the operations of multi-national enterprises.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025
Instructors: Melville, Donald; Zavosh, Ghahhar (Fall) Melville, Donald; Zavosh, Ghahhar (Winter)
Restriction: Not open to U0 students.
MGCR 460 Social Context of Business.
(3 credits)
Management Core : Examination of how business interacts with the larger society. Exploration of the development of modern capitalist society, and the dilemmas that organizations face in acting in a socially responsible manner. Examination of these issues with reference to sustainable development, business ethics, globalization and developing countries, and political activity.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Summer 2025
Instructors: Fangwa Nantcho, Anicet; Page, Gina; Horner, Herv茅 Robert (Fall) Holmgren, Lindsay; Page, Gina; Horner, Herv茅 Robert; Altmejd, Simon (Winter) Zhu, Xian (Summer)
Restrictions: Open to U2 and U3 students. Not open to students who have taken MGCR 360.
Management, Organizational Behaviour
ORGB 380 Cross Cultural Management (3 credits)
Organizational Behaviour : Addresses dilemmas and opportunities that managers experience in international, multicultural environments. Development of conceptual knowledge and behavioural skills (e.g. bridging skills, communication, tolerance of ambiguity, cognitive complexity) relevant to the interaction of different cultures in business and organizational settings, using several methods including research, case studies and experiential learning.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Summer 2025
Instructors: Gauvin, Tatiana (Fall) Hollister, Matissa (Winter) Gauvin, Tatiana (Summer)
Restriction: Open to U2, U3 students only
Management Policy
MGPO 435 The Origins of Capitalism (3 credits)
Management Policy : This course covers the evolution of modern business institutions from their roots in the early middle ages to the modern era. Covering economic issues in the context of arts and culture, it offers a "distant mirror on globalization."
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Mantere, Saku (Winter)
Restriction: Restricted to U2 and U3 students
MGPO 438 Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (3 credits)
Management Policy : Explores key concepts associated with social entrepreneurship and social innovation 鈥 the application of principles of entrepreneurship and innovation to solve social problems through social ventures, enterprises and not-for-profit organizations. Focuses on the social economy, including how the market system can be leveraged to create social value.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025
Instructors: Perez-Aleman, Paola; Jalan, Rohini (Fall) Billou, Niels (Winter)
Restriction(s): Open to U2 and U3 students.
MGPO 440 Strategies for Sustainability (3 credits)
Management Policy : This course explores the relationship between economic activity, management, and the natural environment. Using readings, discussions and cases, the course will explore the challenges that the goal of sustainable development poses for our existing notions of economic goals, production and consumption practices and the management of organizations.
Terms: Fall 2024, Winter 2025
Instructors: Melville, Donald (Fall) Robitaille, Jad (Winter)
Restriction: Open to U2, U3 students only
MGPO 469 Managing Globalization (3 credits)
Management Policy : This course explores economic and social consequences of globalization, focusing on the most pertinent issues at the time. Topics include the existing global imbalances; the opportunities and risks presented by large cross border capital flows; and the role of institutions, and organizational and policy responses in crisis hit countries.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Obukhova, Elena (Fall)
Recommended: MGCR 423
Restriction: Open to U2, U3 students only
MGPO 475 Strategies for Developing Countries (3 credits)
Management Policy : Strategic management challenges in developing and emerging economies. Focus on strategies that foster both firm competitiveness and economic development, including: technological capabilities, new forms of organization, small and large firms, global production, social impact, global standards and governance.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Perez-Aleman, Paola (Fall)
Restriction: Open to U2, U3 students only
MSUS 402 Systems Thinking and Sustainability (3 credits)
MSUS : Examines interconnected dynamics of organizations and social, economic, and ecological systems. Introduces systems thinking principles to foster learning, inform organizational decision-making, and solve real-world problems. Covers problem diagnosis and resolution of organizational and societal sustainability issues through causal loop diagrams, stock-and-flow mapping, group model building, computational simulations and case studies.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Kim, Anna; Khoury, Joseph (Fall)
Restriction: Open only to U2 and U3 students.
NUTR 501 Nutrition in the Majority World (3 credits)
Nutrition and Dietetics : Current nutrition-related issues in the Majority World, emphasizing young children and other vulnerable groups. The integration of a life science and social science perspective. The multiple causes, consequences, policies, and interventions related to current nutrition.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Marquis, Grace (Fall)
One 3-hr lecture
Prerequisite: A course in nutrition across the lifespan at the intermediate undergraduate level such as NUTR 337, or permission of the instructor.
Political Science
POLI 319 Politics of Latin America (3 credits)
Political Science : This course will deal with the dynamics of political change in Latin America today.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Luna, Juan Pablo (Winter)
Prerequisite: A basic course in Comparative Politics or a course on the region or written permission of the instructor
Note: The field is Comparative Politics.
POLI 322 Political Change in South Asia (3 credits)
Political Science : Political change in South Asia in late colonial and post-colonial periods. Issues covered include social and cultural history; colonial rule, nationalism and state formation; democratic and authoritarian tendencies; economic policies and consequences; challenges to patterns of dominance and national boundaries; prospects for democracy, prosperity and equality.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: A basic course in Comparative Politics or a course on the region or written permission of the instructor
Note: The field is Comparative Politics.
POLI 324 Comparative Politics of Africa (3 credits)
Political Science : The government and politics of African states south of the Sahara with reference to the ideological and institutional setting as influenced by the forces of tradition and the impact of Western colonialism.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Douek, Daniel (Fall)
Prerequisite: A basic course in Comparative Politics or a course on the region or written permission of the instructor
Note: The field is Comparative Politics.
POLI 338 Topics in Comparative Politics 1 (3 credits)
Political Science : Selected aspects of the Third World. In any given year the course will concentrate either on a particular region or on a relevant thematic problem.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: A basic course in Comparative Politics or a course on the region or written permission of the instructor.
The field is Comparative Politics.
POLI 340 Comparative Politics of the Middle East (3 credits)
Political Science : An examination of the societies, political forces and regimes of selected countries of the Eastern Arab world (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia).
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Brynen, Rex (Fall)
Prerequisite: A basic course in Comparative Politics or a course on the region or written permission of the instructor
Note: The field is Comparative Politics.
POLI 341 Foreign Policy: The Middle East (3 credits)
Political Science : An examination of the changing regional security environment and the evolving foreign policies and relationships of Arab states in three areas - relations with non-Arab regional powers (Israel, Iran), inter-Arab relations, Great Power relations. The course will focus particularly on Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Douek, Daniel (Fall)
Prerequisite: A 200- or 300- level course in International Relations or Middle East politics or permission of the instructor
Note: The field is International Politics.
POLI 345 International Organizations (3 credits)
Political Science : The politics and processes of global governance in the 21st century, with a special emphasis on the United Nations system.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Katul, Mounir (Winter)
Prerequisite: A basic course in International Politics or written consent of instructor
Note: The field is International Politics.
POLI 347 Arab-Israel Conflict, Crisis, Peace (3 credits)
Political Science : Concepts - protracted conflict, crisis, war, peace; system, subsystem; Conflict-levels of analysis; historical context; images and issues; attitudes, policies, role of major powers; Crises-Wars - configuration of power; crisis models; decision-making in 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982 crisis-wars; conflict- crisis management; Peace-Making - pre-1977; Egypt-Israel peace treaty; Madrid, Oslo, Israel-Jordan peace; prospects for conflict resolution.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Douek, Daniel (Fall)
POLI 349 Foreign Policy: Asia (3 credits)
Political Science : An overview of the foreign policies of two rising powers - China and India - in addition to Japan, covering the historical evolution, goals and determinants of their foreign policies, interactions with the rest of Asia and the world, and efforts at institutionalised cooperation in South and East Asia.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Paul, T V (Fall)
Prerequisites: POLI 243 or 244, or permission of the instructor.
Note: The field is International Politics.
POLI 350 Global Environmental Politics (3 credits)
Political Science : Environmental problems like climate change, deforestation, biodiversity loss, and ocean acidification transcend national borders. Solving these problems will require global cooperation on an unprecedented level. This course will explore the challenges of contemporary global environmental governance and the innovative solutions being advanced at the community, municipal, provincial, national, and international levels.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Janzwood, Amy (Fall)
Prerequisite(s): A basic course in International Politics.
POLI 352 International Policy/Foreign Policy: Africa (3 credits)
Political Science : A study of international politics in Africa; including Africa in the U.N., the Organization of African Unity, African regional groupings and integration, Africa as a foreign policy arena and African inter-state conflict and diplomacy.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Douek, Daniel (Winter)
Prerequisite: A basic course in International or African politics or written consent of the instructor
Note: The field is International Politics.
POLI 353 Politics of the International Refugee Regime (3 credits)
Political Science : This course explores the causes and consequences of displacement, and international responses to this issue, focusing on forced migration linked to conflict, persecution and human rights abuses. It examines key actors, interests and norms that shape the international refugee regime, and international responses to other forms of displacement. Particular attention is devoted to the ways in which displaced persons themselves navigate and shape the regime, and to challenges including the resolution of displacement crises, and accountability for forced migration.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Note: The field is International Politics.
Pre-requisite(s): A basic course in International Politics.
POLI 359 Topics in International Politics 1 (3 credits)
Political Science : A specific problem area in International Relations.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: A basic course in International Relations
Note: The field is International Politics.
The fee for this field course is $3500. The fee for this activity covers ground transportation, academic materials, accommodation, and other field related expenses.
POLI 369 Politics of Southeast Asia (3 credits)
Political Science : Topics covered include: colonialism, nationalism, democracy, authoritarianism, war, economic development, social development, overseas Chinese, ethnicity, religion, populism, and international relations, as they apply to Southeast Asian politics.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Kuhonta, Erik (Winter)
POLI 372 Indigenous Peoples and the Canadian State.
(3 credits)
Political Science : The relationship of Indigenous politics to larger debates and literatures within political science, such as citizenship theory, federalism, and collective action. Subjects covered include Canada's treaty history, constitutional changes, key policy frameworks, and Indigenous political development.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
POLI 380 Contemporary Chinese Politics (3 credits)
Political Science : This course provides an introduction to key issues in contemporary Chinese politics, spanning the period from the Communist Revolution through the Maoist (1949-1976) and reform eras (1978 to present). Topics include both domestic politics and foreign policy.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Wang, Juan (Winter)
POLI 381 Politics in Japan and South Korea (3 credits)
Political Science : An introduction to key issues of contemporary politics in Japan and South Korea, covering the politics and economic development of Post-WWII Japan and Post-Korean War South Korea. Themes include: How were the contemporary political systems established in Japan and South Korea? How have these systems changed over time? What are the impacts of political institutions on the political and economic development in the two countries? How do social actors and political and economic institutions interact with each other? What are the foreign policymaking strategies in the two countries?
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Jacinto, Daniel (Winter)
POLI 422 Advanced Topics in Comparative Politics 1 (3 credits)
Political Science : A specific problem area in comparative politics.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Douek, Daniel (Winter)
Prerequisites: a basic course and preferably an upper level course in comparative politics
Note: The field is Comparative Politics.
POLI 423 Politics of Ethno-Nationalism (3 credits)
Political Science : Theories of ethno-nationalism examined in light of experience in Asia, Middle East and Africa. Topics include formation and mobilization of national, ethnic and religious identities in colonial and post-colonial societies; impact of ethno-nationalism on pluralism, democracy, class and gender relations; means to preserve tolerance in multicultural societies.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Davydov, Andrey (Fall)
Prerequisites: one 300 or 400-level course in comparative politics.
Note: The field is Comparative Politics.
POLI 435 Identity and Inequality (3 credits)
Political Science : Inequality is often particularly durable between groups whose boundaries are based on assumed ancestry - e.g., the major ethnic categories in former European settler colonies, castes in South Asia. This course explores ongoing changes in the relationship between identity and social, economic and political inequality in some of these contexts.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: 300 level course in comparative politics or related social science course.
Note: The field is Comparative Politics.
POLI 441 International Political
Economy: Trade (3 credits)
Political Science : Politics of international trade, such as the international rules governing trade in goods, the functioning of international bodies such as the WTO, and the domestic sources of these international policies.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Katul, Mounir (Fall)
POLI 442 International Relations of Ethnic Conflict (3 credits)
Political Science : Issues related to the internationalization of ethnic conflict, including diasporas, contagion and demonstration effects, intervention, irredentism, the use of sanctions and force. Combination of theory and the study of contemporary cases.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
POLI 445 International Political Economy: Monetary Relations (3 credits)
Political Science : Advanced course in international political economy; the politics of international of monetary relations, such as international rules governing international finance, the reasons for and consequences of financial flows, and the functioning of international financial bodies such as the IMF and World Bank.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Katul, Mounir (Winter)
POLI 450 Peacebuilding (3 credits)
Political Science : An examination of transitions from civil war to peace, and the role of external actors (international organizations, bilateral donors, non-governmental organizations) in support of such transitions. Topics will include the dilemmas of humanitarian relief, peacekeeping operations, refugees, the demobilization of ex-combatants, transitional elections, and the politics of socio-economic reconstruction.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisites: previous courses in comparative politics and international relations.
Note: The field is Comparative Politics; also in the field of International Politics.
Internet research skills are strongly recommended
POLI 474 Inequality and Development (3 credits)
Political Science : The political structures and social forces underlying poverty and inequality in the world; the historical roots of inequality in different regions, varying manifestations of inequality (class, region, ethnicity, gender), and selected contemporary problems.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: A basic course in Comparative Politics or a course on the region or written permission of the instructor.
Note: The field is Comparative Politics.
POLI 476 Religion and Politics (3 credits)
Political Science : The relationship between religion and politics in the world, including the relationship between religion and the state, and specific topics in which religion plays a salient role: political parties; social movements; democratization; fundamentalism and democracy; violence; and capitalism and economic development.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Kuhonta, Erik (Fall)
Prerequisite(s): A course in Comparative Politics or permission of instructor.
Note: The field is Comparative Politics.
Religious Studies
RELG 253 Religions of East Asia (3 credits)
Religious Studies : This course introduces East Asia's major religions comparatively by addressing the continuous exchange of ideas and practices between traditions. Rather than adopting a mere chronological approach, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism will be discussed thematically, taking in to account topics such as gender constructs, the secular and the sacred, material culture, and the apparent contrast between doctrine and practice.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Lai, Rongdao (Winter)
RELG 309 World Religions and Cultures They Create (3 credits)
Religious Studies : The constitution and mutual entanglements of selected religions and cultures originating and thriving in varied regional contexts. Focus on highlighting the symbolic (visual, aural) expressivity of religions via ritual, myth, and rational speculation and its impact on high and popular cultures.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Salvatore, Armando (Fall)
RELG 331 Religion and Globalization (3 credits)
Religious Studies : An exploration of the distinctive ways in which the world's religions are shaping and are shaped by the dynamics of globalization. It examines the multiple intersections of religion and globalization through a variety of themes and case studies in human rights, development, education, ecology, gender, and conflict
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Nelson, Samuel (Fall)
RELG 353 Gandhi: His Life and Thought (3 credits)
Religious Studies : A study of the life and thought of Gandhi.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Sharma, Arvind (Winter)
RELG 370 Religion and Human Rights (3 credits)
Religious Studies : Social justice and human rights issues as key aspects of modem religious ethics. Topics include: the relationship of religion to the modem human rights movement; religious perspectives on the universality of human rights; the scope and limits of religious freedom; conflicts between religion and rights.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Cere, Daniel M (Fall)
RELG 371 Ethics of Violence/Non-Violence (3 credits)
Religious Studies : Forms of violence and the reaction of religious groups are assessed both for their effectiveness and for their fidelity to their professed beliefs. Different traditions, ranging from the wholesale adoption of violent methods (e.g., the Crusades) to repudiation (e.g., Gandhi; the Peace Churches).
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
RELG 375 Religion, Politics and Society (3 credits)
Religious Studies : A study of contemporary religious traditions in the light of debates regarding secularization, the relation of religion and politics, and the interaction of religion with major social institutions.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Nelson, Samuel (Winter)
SOCI 212 International Migration (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Introduction to social science research on international migration. Covers theories about why people migrate, constraints to migration, and various aspects of immigrant integration. Will explore key theoretical debates of the field and the empirical data and case studies on which these debates hinge.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Soehl, Thomas (Fall)
SOCI 234 Population and Society (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Introduction to the reciprocal linkages in the social world between population size, structure and dynamics on the one hand, social structure, action and change on the other. An examination of population processes and their relation to the social world.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
SOCI 265 War, States and Social Change (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : The impact of war on society in agrarian and industrial epochs. Particular attention is given to the relationship between war and economic development, social classes, nationalism, and democratization.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
SOCI 307 Globalization (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Socio-economic, political and cultural dynamics related to processes of globalization. An examination of the following: key theoretical foundations of the globalization debate; the extent and implications of economic globalization; global governance and the continuing relevance of nation-states; instances of transnational activism; the diffusion of cultural practices; patterns and management of global migration and mobility.
Terms: Winter 2025, Summer 2025
Instructors: Filkobski, Ina (Winter) Gaudreau-Majeau, Charlotte (Summer)
Prerequisite: SOCI 210 or Permission of Instructor
SOCI 309 Health and Illness (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Health and illness as social rather than purely bio-medical phenomena. Topics include: studies of ill persons, health care occupations and organizations; poverty and health; inequalities in access to and use of health services; recent policies, ideologies, and problems in reform of health services organization.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Ghazanjani, Mehri (Winter)
SOCI 365 Health and Development (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Main concepts and controversies linking health to broader social and economic conditions in low income countries. Topics include the demographic and epidemiological transitions, the health and wealth conundrum, the social determinants of health, health as an economic development strategy, and the impact of the AIDS pandemic.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
SOCI 370 Sociology: Gender and Development (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Exploration of the main development theories and discussion of how gender is placed within them, analysis of the practical application of development projects and discussion of how they affect gender dynamics, and examination of power relations between development agencies and developing countries. Examples from Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America are used.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Pike, Isabel (Fall)
Prerequisite: SOCI 210
SOCI 400 Comparative Migration and Citizenship (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Advanced course on international migration, belonging and diversity in contemporary societies. Will examine dynamics of exclusion and inclusion, the accommodation of cultural diversity, the adaptation of immigrants and how global international migration challenges and re-shapes citizenship. Will cover key theoretical debates in the field and the data and case studies on which these debates hinge.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
SOCI 446 Colonialism and Society (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Forms that colonialism took, its impact on colonial societies, and its modern legacies, focusing on overseas colonialism between 1600 and the 1970s.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Prerequisite: SOCI 210 or permission from instructor.
SOCI 513 Social Aspects HIV/AIDS in Africa (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Examination of the social causes and consequences of HIV/AIDS in Africa. Gender inequality, sexual behaviours, marriage systems, migration, and poverty are shaping the pandemic as well as how the pandemic is altering social, demographic and economic conditions across Africa.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
SOCI 519 Gender and Globalization (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Focus on the diverse forces of globalization that impact the lives of men and women. Critical analysis of key theories and concepts implicated in the intersection of globalization processes with gender dynamisms.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Weiner, Elaine (Winter)
Prerequisite: SOCI 270 or permission of instructor.
SOCI 520 Migration and Immigrant Groups (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Review of the major demographic, economic and sociological theories of internal and international migration. The main emphasis will be on empirical research on migration and immigrant groups.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Soehl, Thomas (Winter)
Prerequisite: 15 credits in the Social Sciences
SOCI 550 Developing Societies (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Comparison of alternative explanations of underdevelopment: the impact of social stratification, relations of domination and subordination between countries, state interference with the market. Alternative strategies of change: revolution, structural adjustment, community development and cooperatives. Students will write and present a research paper, and participate extensively in class discussion.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
SOCI 555 Comparative Historical Sociology (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : The analysis of patterns of state and nation-building in historical and comparative perspectives with particular attention being given to methodology.
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Restriction: Undergraduate students require permission of instructor
Social Work
SWRK 400 Policy and Practice for Refugees (3 credits)
Social Work : Refugee-generating conflicts, international and national responses are considered. Canadian policy, history and response to refugees are analyzed. Theory-grounded practice with refugees is examined, including community organizing and direct service delivery to individuals and families.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Nkrumah, Rodney (Fall)
Restrictions: Open to U3 students or by permission of the instructor.
3-6 credits from the following: *
ANTH 358 The Process of Anthropological Research (3 credits)
Anthropology : The nature of anthropological research as evidenced in monographs and articles; processes of concept formation and interpretation of data; the problem of objectivity.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Manoukian, Setrag (Fall)
Prerequisites: one 200-level anthropology course and one other anthropology course at any level
Restrictions: Honours, Joint Honours, Major and Minor students in Anthropology, U2 standing or above
ECON 227D1 Economic Statistics (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : Distributions, averages, dispersions, sampling, testing, estimation, correlation, regression, index numbers, trends and seasonals.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: El-Attar Vilalta, Mayssun (Fall)
Students must register for both ECON 227D1 and ECON 227D2.
No credit will be given for this course unless both ECON 227D1 and ECON 227D2 are successfully completed in consecutive terms
ECON 227D1 and ECON 227D2 together are equivalent to ECON 227
You may not be able to receive credit for this course and other statistic courses. Be sure to check the Course Overlap section under Faculty Degree Requirements in the Arts or Science section of the Calendar.
ECON 227D2 Economic Statistics (3 credits)
Economics (Arts) : See ECON 227D1 for course description.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Galbraith, John; Kassab, Sinda (Winter)
Prerequisite: ECON 227D1
No credit will be given for this course unless both ECON 227D1 and ECON 227D2 are successfully completed in consecutive terms
ECON 227D1 and ECON 227D2 together are equivalent to ECON 227
You may not be able to receive credit for this course and other statistic courses. Be sure to check the Course Overlap section under Faculty Degree Requirements in the Arts or Science section of the Calendar.
International Development Studies
INTD 356 Quantitative Methods for Development
(3 credits)
International Development : Introduction to quantitative methods for impact evaluation. Builds from fundamental concepts in statistics; introduction of an intuitive conceptual framework to think about causal effects. Simple but rigorous data analytics, design and implement randomized controlled trials, regression analysis, or implement other main methods for impact evaluation.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Ghazanjani, Mehri (Fall)
INTD 358 Ethnographic Approaches to
(3 credits)
International Development : Consideration of how anthropologists have used ethnographic methods to evaluate, criticize and reform development. Drawing on ethnographies of 鈥淏ig D鈥 development, as well as small-scale grassroots initiatives, exploration of how qualitative methods have been used to strengthen development practice from within and deconstruct development ideology from without. Topics include state driven, participatory and internationally sponsored development; gender; 鈥渁idnography鈥; neoliberalism; markets and microcredit.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Kraichati, Cyntia (Winter)
Political Science
POLI 210 Political Science Research Methods (3 credits)
Political Science : This course provides an introduction to political science research methods. The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the scientific study of politics, the variety of research methodologies in political science, and the challenges that arise when researchers attempt to explain or measure political phenomena, demonstrate causal relationships and draw methodologically- defensible conclusions from research .
Terms: Fall 2024, Summer 2025
Instructors: Popova, Maria; Szendro, Brendan (Fall)
POLI 461 Advanced Quantitative Political Science (3 credits)
Political Science : A lab course that deals with topics not covered in POLI 311 or POLI 312 and applicable across political science subfields. Such topics include: Estimating models with limited and categorical outcomes; dealing with time-dependent data; estimating models of duration; advanced spatial methods; advanced text-as-data methods; advanced network methods .
Terms: This course is not scheduled for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Instructors: There are no professors associated with this course for the 2024-2025 academic year.
SOCI 350 Statistics in Social Research (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : This is an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics. The course is designed to help students develop a critical attitude toward statistical argument. It serves as a background for further statistics courses, helping to provide the intuition which can sometimes be lost amid the formulas.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Torrisi, Orsola (Fall)
Prerequisite: SOCI 211
Restriction: Not open to students who have taken PSYC 204, PSYC 305 or ECON 227
You may not be able to receive credit for this course and other statistic courses. Be sure to check the Course Overlap section under Faculty Degree Requirements in the Arts or Science section of the Calendar.
SOCI 461 Quantitative Data Analysis (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : This course blends theory and applications in regression analysis. It focuses on fitting a straight line regression using matrix algebra, extending models for multivariate analysis and discusses problems in the use of regression analysis, providing criteria for model building and selection, and using statistical software to apply statistics efficiently.
Terms: Winter 2025
Instructors: Agnant, Khandys (Winter)
Prerequisite: SOCI 350
You may not be able to get credit for this course and other statistic courses. Be sure to check the Course Overlap section under Faculty Degree Requirements in the Arts or Science section of the Calendar.
SOCI 477 Qualitative Methods in Sociology (3 credits)
Sociology (Arts) : Introduction to qualitative research methods. Students will be exposed to various types of data collection (e.g., textual, observational) and data analysis techniques (e.g., in vivo coding) for qualitative data in an experiential, hands-on fashion.
Terms: Fall 2024
Instructors: Dennis, Alexis (Fall)
Prerequisite: SOCI 211
* When selecting their Methods courses, students must consult with the IDS Adviser. They must also consult with the most recent Faculty of Arts policy on course overlap: /study/faculties/arts/undergraduate/ug_arts_course_...