Upcoming Events
This workshop will introduce neuroscientific concepts that students and instructors can use to enhance teaching and learning in different disciplines. Data from 91ÉçÇø research will be shared, along with best practices from the literature.
Interested in learning how your students might engage with historical documents, eye-witness accounts, images, and early printed maps, or modern archival papers and digital collections?
Can you imagine enhancing students’ engagement in class by increasing the vitality of a single sentence?
In this workshop, we will examine an integrated approach to writing and assessing learning outcomes to support sustainability education.
Participants will examine ways to promote engagement by enhancing equity and accessibility of course outlines. We will explore student perspectives, strategies for fostering inclusion, and reflect on potential changes we might like to make.
In response to students’ lack of essential studying strategies, we aimed to foster students’ ability to study effectively, enhancing their course engagement. One learning strategy explored was retrieval practice.
Have you or your students experienced a microaggression in class? While it may only take a moment for a microaggression to occur, its impact can last longer.
Découvrez les stratégies proposées par deux formateurs pour améliorer la grammaire, le vocabulaire et les compétences rédactionnelles de leurs étudiantes et étudiants, et leur fournir des mécanismes d’apprentissages personnalisés, le tout avec l’a