Research rapidly made it clear that the movement was "towards networked multimedia computers", to quote a University Committee recommendation of 1996, and, after investigation of available systems and extensive planning by the EFLC, the first CALL multimedia lab was opened in September 1999.
It was hoped that integrating use of the lab into language courses would increase flexibility for students, allow greater autonomy for both students and teachers, and stimulate more meaningful use of classroom time. Sophisticated computers would increase the potential for research into language learning, didactics and courseware development.
Now expanded, with two new labs installed in September 2000 (Phase 2), the AMLF is used in approximately 45 language courses, for 14 different languages, from Arabic to Urdu. The facility can offer the best opportunities for students to succeed in language learning, and for teachers to help further that goal. Instructors and researchers in language didactics can find material and technical support, as they generate course content, interact with other faculties and universities, and develop research projects.