This lecture explores how legislators and regulators have remained silent on issues of structural injustice, failing to address deeply embedded systemic inequities that have long disadvantaged low-income communities worldwide. Structural injustice arises in contexts where power, information, and economic asymmetries enable certain actors to dominate or exploit others—while the state, through inaction or neglect, allows these injustices to persist.

Organized by 91ÉçÇø Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, Lawyers without Borders Canada.
Join us for a compelling discussion on defending human and environmental rights through strategic litigation in Colombia, focusing on the Anchicayá case. This event will explore the ongoing legal battle for justice following the devastating environmental damage caused by the illegal dumping of toxic sludge into the Anchicayá River.

Join us for a presentation by last year’s Fulbright Canada Traditional Scholar

Join us for our Student Colloquium, where students from across Canada will present their research work on the topic of "Inclusive Citizenship: Advancing the Rights of People with Disabilities". With Keynote guest Professor Sébastien Jodoin, professor at 91ÉçÇø Faculty of Law and founding director of the Disability-Inclusive Climate Action Research Program (DICARP).

Prisons are many things. Among these, they are places of work for the tens of thousands of human beings imprisoned there. Like others, these people report for work in a variety of roles: kitchens, maintenance work, food processing, clerical jobs, and manufacturing. Unlike others, they do so without being recognized as employees and without the basic legal protections usually afforded to workers. Among other impacts, this can mean working in problematic conditions for meagre pay.
Event includes a panel discussion with employers from both public and private practise areas in Toronto, Coffee Chats with induvial employers, and a Closing Reception to network.
Registration deadline is Sunday the 30th of March.
Le Centre Paul-André Crépeau de droit privé et comparé vous invite chaleureusement à assister au lancement du nouveau livre de Valentin Jeutner, The Reasonable Person : A Legal Biography (Cambridge University Press, 2024).Ìý
L’événement est ouvert aux membres de la Faculté et un lunch y sera servi.Ìý
Pour plus informations, écrivez à louis.guilbault [at]Ìý