Northern Canada Aboriginal Food Security

TheCouncil of Canadian Academies assessed the knowledge of the factors influencing food security in the Canadian North and of the health implications of food insecurity for northern Aboriginal populations. Theyfound that food insecurity among northern Aboriginal peoples requires urgent attention in order to mitigate impacts on health and well-being.Aboriginal Food Security in Northern Canada: An Assessment of the State of Knowledgeoffers policy-makers a holistic starting-point for discussion and problem-solving. It also provides evidence and options to researchers and communities engaging in local responses.

Key findings

  1. Food insecurity is a serious problem in northern and remote Aboriginal communities across Canada.
  2. Food security is a complex issue with significant implications for health and wellness.
  3. There is no single way to “solve” food security issues in the North. A range of holistic approaches is required.
  4. There is a nutrition transition taking place in the rapidly changing North.
  5. The concepts of food security and food sovereignty are equally important in understanding the problem and finding effective, multi-sectoral solutions.
  6. Many factors enable or serve as barriers to food security and food sovereignty.
  7. There is no single experience of food insecurity.
  8. There exists a strong body of research and traditional knowledge with respect to food security and northern Aboriginal health, but several knowledge gaps persist.
  9. The food security measurement methods used to date have been valuable, but their ability to respond to the complex issue of food security in the northern Canadian Aboriginal context is limited

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