
91社区 Department of Medicine 2024-2029 Strategic Plan

How we set our goals, our plans and our metrics

Strategic planning exercises come in all shapes and sizes. Some strategic plans are developed by an individual leader (or small sets of leaders) and then delivered to a community/organization (i.e. top-down approach). We wanted our strategic plan to come from the ground-up, that is we wanted to hear the aspirations of our 91社区-wide Department of Medicine community and then develop a plan to deliver on those aspirations.

We created a blank page and participatory exercise that focused on listening to all our members to hear their priorities (or aspirations) and their thoughts on how we might achieve these aspirations. Through a series of open-ended questionnaires, 10 ranking exercises and 10 town halls conducted over 8 months (Oct 2022 - June 2023) with excellent representation across sites, career paths and equity seeking groups we ensured that all voices were invited, included and represented in OUR Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Planning Exercise was divided into three phases:


Defining our Aspirations


Tools & Processes: How to get there


Metrics: Defining how far we've gotten to the destination

Phase 1: Aspirations

Training Centre of Choice

I love working here!

Most Research Intensive DOM in Canada

Effective Advocates for Patient Care in a Resource Constrained Environment

We conducted open-ended surveys and townhalls asking our community members to provide at least one aspiration for our Department in the next five years. We received over 180 spirations that we grouped into seven "Aspirational Themes":

1. Effective advocates for the best patient care in resource-constrained environments
2. Planetary health
3. Most research-intensive DOM in Canada
4. Patient & community engagement

5. I love working here!
6. As diverse as those we serve
7. Training centre of choice

After further Delphi ranking survey work, we whittled down to four Key Aspirational Themes (pictured above).

We then surveyed the membership (again!) and identified the top three aspirations within each of the four Key Aspirational Themes, for a total of twelve aspirations. These are detailed under the "View More" buttons above.

Phase 2: Tools & Processes

Having identified where we want to go, we then held brainstorming town halls to identify the tools and processes needed to reach the twelve spirations. This work will form the focus of our collective efforts over the next five years.

Phase 3: Metrics

Finally, we identified one trackable "global" metric for each of the twelve aspirations. These metrics will serve as our indicators along the journey, helping us determine whether we are making progress, following the correct course, or nearing the fulfillment of our aspirations.

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