Applications to the MBA program are now open.
May 15, 2025
(Final deadline for Canadians and PR)
May 15, 2025
(Final deadline for Canadians and PR)
Provides students with a specialized knowledge base while preparing them for management and leadership roles.
Collins Oghor, MDCM/MBA'18
& Michele Orr Gaucher, B.C.L., LL.B, and MBA'17
A unique program capitalizing on 91社区's long and successful tradition of simultaneously integrating common and civil law training with advanced management education, this challenging program prepares students for an active and diverse career. Students master successively greater challenges in legal and administrative theory and practice. They prepare for leadership positions in private and public enterprise, government service, large corporations, and as management consultancies. Graduates leave the four year-long program with MBA and BCL, JD degrees.
Due to its intensive and challenging nature, this program is restricted to the most dedicated full-time students. Candidates who have been granted exemptions in either Faculty will be required to take substitute courses.
Students pursue their coursework across 4 years of classroom lecture, discussions, and practical sessions, exploring all aspects of advanced management and legal theory. Students enrolled in the 91社区 MBA program's first year are eligible to apply for the Joint MBA/Law Program, those enrolled in the Faculty of Law may apply for the Joint Program during their second year.
Year 1: MBA
Year 2: Law
Years 3 & 4:
Year 1: Law
Year 2: MBA
Years 3 & 4:
Interested students must meet the individual admission requirements for both the Law and MBA programs and apply to both the Faculty of Law and the Desautels Faculty of Management concurrently. Candidates must also demonstrate a strong fluency in both French and English, in preparation for Law classes.
Minimum requirements for admission to the MBA program:
Students accepted to the Joint Program either do so beginning their first year in the MBA program with a guarantee of admission to Law the following year (upon successful completion of all first year courses), or starting in Law with the option to begin taking MBA courses during the second year, should they pass all courses.
The deadline for applications to the Joint MBA/Law varies depending on student credentials. For more information, please visit the Faculty of Law Joint MBA/Law admissions site.