For new students as of Fall 2025:
1) you must complete at least one Faculty of Arts program - as part of your Multi-Track, Honours or Joint-Honours requirements - to graduate with a B.A. degree.
2)The maximum permissible total aggregate number of pre-admission advanced standing credits to be accorded to a non-CEGEP and non-University Transfer student – at the time of admission or interfaculty transfer to an Arts degree - is limited to 30cr, and in adherence to the Faculty of Arts Online Education policy. Note that credits earned via intermediary study abroad organizations or companies will not be approved for advanced standing nor for transfer credit.
Advanced standing information
Students are typically admitted to a 120-credit (ie. four year) Bachelor of Arts degree, wherein the first year is designated “U0”. At the time of admission, and based on their previous academic background, certain students – such as the case for those who have completed university level courses or examinations (see note, below) - may receive advanced standing credits and exemptions- to a maximum of 30cr - as follows:
- If you have been granted 24-30 credits of advanced standing, you
Enter U1, and are hence exempt from the U0 requirements
Are eligible to select your academic programs (eg Major/Minor)
If you have been granted less than 24 advanced standing credit, you must complete the U0 Foundation program.
Note for students commencing in F25:
The maximum permissible total aggregate number of pre-admission advanced standing credits to be accorded to a non-CEGEP or non-University Transfer student – at the time of admission or interfaculty transfer to an Arts degree - is limited to 30cr, and in adherence to the Faculty of Arts Online Education policy. Note that credits earned via intermediary study abroad organizations or companies will not be approved for advanced standing nor for transfer credit.
Examples of advanced standing credits
Students entering U1 with 30 creditsof advanced standing
Entering from Quebec CEGEP
Entering with their French Baccalaureate
Students entering either U0 or U1 depending on credits completed
International Baccalaureate diploma:
10 credits granted for each exam passed with a score of 5 or better.
A maximum of 30 credit total will be granted.
Advanced Level Examination(s):
10 credits for each exam passed with a grade of C or better.
A maximum of 30 credits total will be granted.
Advanced Placement Examination(s):
3 to 6 credits for each exam passed with a grade of 4 or better.
A maximum of 30 credits total will be granted.