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Vue d'ensemble
Physiologie : Physiology of cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine and renal systems.
Trimestres : Hiver 2014
Chargés de cours : White, John H; Wechsler, Ann; Takano, Tomoko (Winter)
3 hours lectures weekly
Prerequisites: BIOL 112, CHEM 110, CHEM 120, PHYS 101 or PHYS 131, and PHYS 102 or PHYS 142. Pre-/co-requisite: BIOL 200, BIOL 201, BIOC 212, CHEM 212 or equivalent.
Restriction: For students in the Faculty of Science, and other students by permission of the instructor
Although PHGY 210 may be taken without the prior passing of PHGY 209, students should note that they may have some initial difficulties because of lack of familiarity with some basic concepts introduced in PHGY 209