Selected Publications
Kirmayer, L. J., Kienzler, H., Afana, A., & Pedersen, D. (in press). Trauma and Disasters in Social and Cultural Context. In D. Bhugra & C. Morgan (Eds.), Principles of Social Psychiatry (2 ed.).New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
Pedersen, D., Tremblay, J., Errazuriz, C., & Gamarra, J. (2008). The sequelae of political violence: Assessing trauma, suffering and loss in the Peruvian highlands. Social Science & Medicine, 67,205-217.
Tremblay, J.; Pedersen, D. & Errazuriz,C. (2008). Assessing mental health outcomes of political violence and civil unrest in Peru. International Journal of Social Psychiatry (in print).
Pedersen, D. (2008). Globalizaci贸n, salud y sistemas m茅dicos andinos. Cuzco: Centro de Medicina Andina (in print).
Pedersen, D. (2007). At the crossroads between global health and local cultures: a critical perspective (book chapter) In: Lolas F., Martin D.K., Quezada A. (Eds.) Prioridades en Salud y Salud Intercultural. Serie No.1. Santiago de Chile: CIEB and Universidad de Chile, pp.141-162.
Caron, J.; Tousignant, M.; Pedersen, D.; et al. (2007). La cr茅ation d'une nouvelle g茅n茅ration d'茅tudes 茅pidemiologiques en sant茅 mentale. Sant茅 Mentale au Qu茅bec (Windigo II). Volume XXXI, No.2, pp.225-239.
Pedersen, D. & Kienzler, H. (2007). Ethnic conflict. Encyclopedia of Public Health. Elsevier Science. (in print)
Pedersen, D., Errazuriz, C., Piazza, M., Mendoza, M. Gamarra, J. & Calderon, D. (2007). Salud Mental de la Comunidad. Manual para Trabajadores de Atenci贸n Primaria. (Community Mental Health. Manual for Primary Health Care workers, in Spanish with illustrations). Lima, Peru: Editorial Forma e Imagen.
Pedersen, D. (2006). Reframing political violence and mental health outcomes: outlining a research and action agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean region. Ciencia &Saude Coletiva, 11 (2) : 293-302.
Darghouth S., Pedersen D., Bibeau G, et al. (2006). Painful languages of the body:Experiences of headache among women in two Peruvian communities. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 30 (3): 271-297
Pedersen, D. (2002). Political violence, ethnic conflict, and contemporary wars: broad implications for health and social well-being. Social Science & Medicine, 55:175-190.
Bibeau, G. and Pedersen, D. (2002). A return to scientific racism in medical social sciences: a case study of sexuality and the AIDS epidemic in Africa." In: Mark Nichter and Margaret Lock (Eds.) New Horizons in Medical Anthropology: Essays in honour of Charles Leslie. London: Routledge.
Pedersen, D. (1999). The impact of poverty, racism and political violence in the mental health of Amerindians. [El impacto de la pobreza, el racismo y la violencia pol铆tica sobre la salud mental de los pueblos indo-americanos.] In: Bronfman, Mario N. & R. Castro (Eds.) Salud, Cambio Social y Pol铆tica: Perspectivas desde Am茅rica Latina. M茅xico: EDAMEX, pp.163-184