UTM Graduate and Professional Schools Fair in Mississauga
Séance D’information - Stage En Droit au Service Des Poursuites Criminelles de la C.-B. Expérience Unique, Excellence en Droit et Perfectionnement Professionnel
LSAC Toronto Recruitment Forum
Career Development Office - Alternative Careers Presentation by Prof. Angela Campbell
Atelier sur les admissions en droit (BCL/JD) 
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Ateliers pour candidats qui repostulent au BCL/JD 
International Human Rights Internships - Info Session
Forum de recrutement Ă Vancouver
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Les admissions en droit de 91ÉçÇř visitent Concordia - virtuellement
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La journée Portes ouvertes 2024
Alternative Careers - Alumni Panel & Networking with members of the class of 2011/2012
Speaker Series | Feminist Legal Collective
The John Humphrey Lecture in Human Rights - End of immunity: Holding World Leaders Accountable For International Crimes
Medical Assistance in Dying and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Justice, Autonomy, Equality, and Ethics
Speaker Panel on Careers in the Public Sector
Eating Popcorn like a Lawyer: Featuring Prof. Camille Marquis Bissonnette
91ÉçÇř Doctoral Research Workshop
The Era of Law 21: Impacts on Muslim Women and the Making of a New Normal
Alumni Panel - Careers in International/European Justice Institutions
F.R. Scott Lecture | The Honourable Michelle O'Bonsawin in conversation with Colleen Sheppard (hybrid)
Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality: To exist or not to exist?
BLP Seminars in Business & Society 2025 | Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change Law: Climate Justice in Canada
Léa Decaster - L'introduction du genre dans le code civil : une maladresse du code civil québécois?
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Étudier Ă 91ÉçÇř 2025 - Le salon pour les Ă©tudiantes et Ă©tudiants du QuĂ©bec
BLP Seminars in Business & Society 2025 | How do stock exchange rules evolve? Evidence from the London Stock Exchange’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM)
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SĂ©ance d’information sans rendez-vous sur les admissions en droit Ă 91ÉçÇř
James Martel - When it comes to the law, the clumsier the better
Johan Van der Walt - The law is clumsy because it is, well, the law
Union Parentale - Un droit nouveau pour les conjoints de fait
BLG Student Research Mini-Conference of 2025
Rethinking the Charter’s “Interpretive” Clauses: What Dickson means for Women’s Equal Rights
The Strength of our Canadian Institutions: Courts, Democracy, and the Rule of Law
Struggling with modernity: Quebec law, 1914-1949
Mugambi Jouet - Interaction between federalism and abortion policy and politics in Canada and the USA
Mugambi Jouet - American Exceptionalism in a Changing Western World
The Authoritarian Commons: Neighborhood Democratization in Urban China
Annie Macdonald Langstaff Workshop | KanĂ tenhs: When the Pine Needles Fall
When No One's in It, Everyone is in It: Structural Injustices and the Violence of Legal Silence
Defending Human and Environmental Rights through Strategic Litigation in Colombia: The Case of Anchicayá
Fulbright Research Presentation: Do-It-Yourself Reparations
Inclusive Citizenship: Advancing the Rights of People with Disabilities
The Annual Proulx Roundtable 2025 | Made in Canadian Prisons: An Urgent Discussion about Prison Labour in Canada
Career Development Office - Toronto Career Day
Lancement Du Livre – The Reasonable Person: A Legal Biography
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