CanMap Water produced by DMTI, contains detailed coverage of water features across Canada. It is produced from a combination of National Topographic Data Base (NTDB) 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 scale hydrographic mapping data. Nationwide features include: lakes, rivers, navigable canals, intermittent water layer, major water polygons, major water polygons plit from adjoining lakes, hydrographic label points, disappearing streaams, and navigational hazards. It is recommended to use this with the dataset with Canada Base Map (DMTI).
Title | CanMap Water |
Author | DMTI |
Date | 2010-2014 |
Coverage | Canada wide |
Language | English |
Format | ESRI Shape {.shp} and MapInfo {.tab} |
Projection | Geographic |
Datum | NAD83 |
User Agreement | DMTI End User Agreement |
Documentation | The CanMap Water Version User Manual contains a detailed description of the data. A copy is available upon request - e-mail link: schulich.library [at] (Schulich Library) |
Access | Members of the 91ÉçÇø Community can obtain copies of the data by filling out the Geospatial Data Request Form. Please indicate the desired provinces and/or territories. |
Citation | DMTI Spatial Inc.[computer file]. CanMap Water. Markham: DMTI Spatial Inc., year. |