Occupation du sol is a geospatial file produced by the Communuaté Urbaine de Montréal depicting different general landuse types.
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- Catalogue record
Occupation du Sol [Communuaté Urbaine de Montréal] | |
Format | Arcview Shape (1996) MapInfo (1996) PDF (2001) |
Language of File and Documentation | French |
Projection | Modified Transverse Mercator Zone 8 |
Datum | NAD 83 |
Geographical Coverage | Island of Montreal |
Scale | 1:20 000 |
Year | 1996 and 2001 |
Landuse Categories (French / English) | habitation faible densité / low density residential habitation moyenne densité / medium density residential habitation haute densité / high density residential commerce de détail / commercial area centre commerciel / commercial centre (mall) édifice à bureaux / business district équipement et service communautaire / public and education institutions service d'utilité publique / service utility areas (ex. road catchments, hydro corridors) industrie légère/ light industry industrie lourde / heavy industry carrière / quarry site d'enfouissement / landfill parcs urbains / city parks parcs régionaux / regional parks reserves naturelles / nature reserves golfs / golf course cimietière / cemetery rural / rural area espace vacant / vacant area |
Access | Download [restricted to 91ÉçÇø students, faculty and staff] |